
TSBVI Outreach Debuts the Transition LiveBinder

Authors: Belinda Fayard, VI Transition Specialist, Outreach Program, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Keywords: Transition, LiveBinder, resources, guidance documents

Abstract: The TSBVI Outreach Program is excited to announce the debut of a new resource, the Transition LiveBinder. The author shares examples of some of the tools that both professionals and families can access in the new LiveBinder.

The Outreach Program at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) is pleased to unveil the Transition LiveBinder, a comprehensive resource hub on TSBVI’s website. This Transition LiveBinder is a valuable tool for VI professionals, students, and families, offering guidance documents, community resources, and links to a variety of support services. 

The Transition LiveBinder contains a list of the responsibilities for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) and Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS) in relation to the transition planning process. There is also a checklist of activities for VI professionals as they move through the process. An ECC checklist of important skills needed for successful adult life in the community is included as well, as are a variety of sample forms and statements. For example, the Transition LiveBinder has an example of an ability statement to help students prepare for successful job interviews.

Families and professionals often face challenges finding resources for students with complex needs and continued programming or care after leaving the school system. The Transition LiveBinder has links to help find respite care, supported housing, and/or daycare for adults in their own communities. Families can also connect with parent organizations around the state by accessing links in the Family Organizations tab of the livebinder. 

The Transition LiveBinder aims to empower families and professionals alike as they navigate the transition process through school and beyond.

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