
TX SenseAbilities – Spring 2020 Issue

Featured Article

A variety of tools and materials are displayed on a table, including an ice cream scoop, a hair roller, denim fabric, beads, and a red glove.

Walking Through Stories

The author details the Walking Through Stories strategy used to help students activate prior knowledge of concepts before reading a story. She discusses how this strategy can be implemented at home using tactile pictures or real objects.

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News & Views

Our First Family Day

A parent provides information about Family Day at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) and what it meant to her family to attend for the first time.

A Bill of Rights for All Children with Visual Impairment and their Families

BCP Collaborates to Create Knowledge

The Blind Children’s Program and local independent school districts provided families an opportunity to learn about creating a sensory space.

Texas Fellows Spring 2020

The Texas CVI Initiative

The authors introduce a CVI training product that is currently being created as part of the work of the Texas CVI Initiative. The Texas CVI Initiative is a collaboration between statewide leaders in visual impairment and TSBVI Outreach to address training needs in Texas in the area of Cortical Visual Impairment. Stephanie Walker, the Lead for the State Leadership Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SLSBVI) Network in Texas, described the creation of the Texas CVI Initiative in the Spring 2019 issue of TX SenseAbilities:

Specific Learning Disabilities

Cherry Lee shares her expertise on specific learning disabilities including dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia, their evaluation, and their co-occurrence with visual impairment. The author is a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT), Licensed Dyslexia Therapist (LDT), and an educational diagnostician.

Communication is Connection

This article provides an overview of the 2019 Advanced Practitioner in DeafBlindness Series with Dr. Paul Hart, from Sense Scotland.

Active Learning Update

The authors provide an update on the expanding knowledge and use of Active Learning, a technique designed to provide education for students who are functioning within the developmental range of 0-48 months, in Texas and beyond.

There’s an App for That: by Chris Tabb

Chris Tabb’s latest contribution to TX SenseAbilities provides information on a series of apps for iOS users from Voice Dream.

Belonging to a Team

TSBVI’s Superintendent describes activities of the South Central Association of Schools for the Blind (SCASB).

Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program: A Treasured Resource for Older Texans

Tim Spong, with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), describes the Older Individuals Who are Blind Program (OIB) for people who are 55 or older and are experiencing vision loss.

New Publications From the Curriculum Department!