TX SenseAbilities – Spring 2015 Issue
Featured Article
Faces of Fitness: Blog by Bev Childress
The journey of how a woman with a visual impairment becomes a CrossFit trainer.
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What My Parents Did Right: Recommendations for Parents of Children with Blindness
The author discusses how her parents helped her become a competent and independent blind adult.
Questions? Where Do Parents Go for Answers?
The author discusses local, regional and statewide resources which can provide information and support to families with blind school aged and transition aged students with visual impairment
New to Deafblindness? Five Tips for Administrators
The author discusses ways local school districts can serve students with deafblindness. She emphasizes collaboration, putting the student first, rewarding outstanding staff, and including the student as part of the local community.
Learning About My Eye
The author discusses ways to teach students with visual impairment about anatomy and functions of the eye, visual impairment, and eye examinations. She lends her personal perspective as a teacher and consultant with visual impairment herself.
General Orientation and Mobility Recommendations for Functional Programs
The author presents an overview of orientation and mobility instructions for students with significant disabilities in addition to visual impairment.
Element Arrangement on a Tactile Graphic Document
The author discusses standards and practices in tactile graphics, along with some related braille formatting including information relevant to the use of Duxbury and the Tiger embosser
Texas Works on Implementation Plan for Changes to the Braille Code
Superintendent Daugherty shares information on changes to the braille code. He reviews the steps to make the transition from English Braille American Edition (EBAE) to the Unified English Braille code (UEB).
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Mr. Bowman reviews the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the focus on ensuring that adults and teen with disabilities are prepared to meet the ever changing work world.