TX SenseAbilities- Fall/Winter 2014 Issue
Featured Article

Coming Home to Disability: One Sibling’s Story
Through the lens of anthropology, the author shares her journey toward embracing being part of the disability community as both sibling and professional.
Download Article (PDF)Family Wisdom
All About the Eye Doctor
An eight-year-old talented young lady with a visual impairment shares with others what it is like to go for an eye exam.
The Statewide Conference on Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
A parent shares her and her experience attending the Texas Statewide Conference on Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing with her son.Family Wisdom, deafblindness, deaf, hard of hearing, learning, communication
Travels to San Diego: A Family’s Experience at the NOAH Conference
A parent describes the benefits of her family attending a national conference that is specific to her child's eye condition. The wide variety of session topics offered strategies to use at school, home and in the community so that her child will be included in activities.
Enchanted Rock Adventure
A proud mom shares her son's story about his rock climbing experience.
Effective Practices
UEB is coming to Texas!
The Unified English Braille Code (UEB) creates updates to literary Braille in English. Braille readers and teachers need to become familiar with the changes that have been recently adopted.
Intervener Basics: Myth, Legend, and Reality
There are some misconceptions associated with using interveners to provide support to students with deafblindness in educational settings. The author attempts to clarify intervener myths with the realities of the intervener model.
News & Views
Building Statewide Capacity through Electronic Media
Superintendent Daugherty explores the opportunities and benefits of distance education through broadcast technologies.
Leadership Training
In this article Assistant Commissioner Madrigal discuss how the Division for Blind Services, TSBVI and Educational Services Centers work together to provide quality training to help family members become well-informed competent leaders.
AFB Press Launches New Book
This article provides information about a new resource on the ECC available from AFB Press.
Deafblind Portal
This article provides information on the deafblind portal on the Council for Exceptional Children's web site.