
Making Evaluation Meaningful

TSBVI’s Curriculum Department Announces 

Making Evaluation Meaningful 2nd Edition, 2022

By Marnee Loftin, M.S., LSSP, LPA 

Is Now Available!

Conducting evaluations for students who are visually impaired is a complex process and can present challenges in gathering valid and useful data that informs decisions about placement, programming, and instructional strategies. This second edition of Making Evaluations Meaningful is intended to provide guidance to evaluation personnel, teachers of students with visual impairments, and families in making the best possible decisions regarding student evaluation.

Chapters include information about preparing for evaluation, various types of testing, additional impairments that are seen in the population of students who are visually impaired, and instructional strategies to support the educational needs of students.

This new second edition is also available in an electronic version on the new TSBVI Online Store.

TSBVI publication Making Evaluation Meaningful by Marnee Loftin

TSBVI publication Making Evaluation Meaningful by Marnee Loftin

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