
Letter from the TAPVI President

Authors: Karen Whitty, president, TAPVI

Keywords: dynamic, parent, volunteers, impact

Abstract: The status of the Texas Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairment is described, including ways to get involved with TAPVI.

It’s hard for me to believe that my term as president of TAVPI is almost over. Being part of such a dynamic team, who strives to connect, support and educate families around Texas impacted by Visual Impairment, has been amazing and I have grown so much from the experience. What excites me even more is to see new leadership come along so that others can let their gifts and skills help grow TAPVI.

Since I became a board member, in 2015, our organization has grown tremendously. Our membership is comprised of families and professionals all around the state of Texas. We have started support groups in Dallas, Austin, Ft. Worth and soon we will be starting a support group in Houston. TAPVI has many goals to positively impact families around the state but to do this we need our members to get involved. TAPVI is a nonprofit organization that is run solely by volunteers which means we need help

TAPVI board elections are held annually from May 1 – May 20 and we are always looking for leaders to help with serving on our board. Our board is comprised of parents who have a child or family member with a visual impairment and our advisors are comprised of professionals and community members.

Aside from board elections, we also need volunteers who fit the descriptions that follow and would like to chair a committee or work within one of these committees.

  • Parenting a child with visual impairments
  • Leadership skills
  • Desire to connect to other parents
  • Passion to help families
  • Enjoy meeting new people
  • Computer skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Grant writing
  • Non-profit skills
  • Legal skills
  • Marketing skills
  • Fundraising skills
  • Event planning skills
  • Any non-profit board experience

If you are interested or have questions, please email us at emailProtector.addCloakedMailto(“ep_964360a4”, 1);.

TAPVI looks forward to continued support of families throughout Texas. Remember, together we are better and together we will help alleviate the isolation that can be brought about by visual impairment. On behalf of the TAPVI Board of Directors thank you for being a part of TAPVI

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