
Curricula & Resource Guides to Assist the TVI, COMS, and Families in Assessment, Instruction, and Adaptations in the Core Curriculum and Expanded Core Curriculum Areas

This booklet supports the teaching and transcription of the Nemeth Braille code. It is a practical resource and quick reference that will facilitate Nemeth instruction and improve the quality and quantity of accessible mathematics materials for students who use braille. A sequence for the introduction of Nemeth symbols arranged by approximate grade level and a matching evaluation of Nemeth reading and writing skills are included. Also included are discussions on topics related to Nemeth code and math for tactile learners.

Yoga For Children with Visual and Multiple Impairments: Fun Movement Activities Inspired by Yoga

Yoga is a great way to incorporate skills students need to improve motor abilities. This is a fun, practical book delineating the benefits of yoga for students with visual impairments including body awareness, spatial awareness, motor development, sensory integration, balance and coordination, energy, strength and flexibility. This book also includes many yoga poses and information about yoga sessions.

Expanded Core Curriculum for Students with Visual Impairments (ECC) Resources for Evaluation and Instruction

This document is a compilation of resources for both evaluation and instruction in all areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). It is divided into sections for each of the nine areas. Each ECC section has a set of charts that includes: Evaluation Tools, Instructional Materials, and General Information. In addition to the printed copy of these resources, a flash drive is included that will enable you to link directly to the websites (for additional details) and ordering information.

The books listed above can be found at: Booksite

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