Summer College Prep – 2021
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Summer College Prep Training
Is college in your child or student’s future? Think about helping them prepare for this next step by attending the Texas Workforce Commission’s Summer College Prep Training conducted by Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center (CCRC). This is CCRC’s premier summer program for students ages 16-22 who are first time or returning college students. Although College Prep 2021 has yet to be planned and dates scheduled, rest assured the CCRC program administrators already have their wheels turning on how to be able to deliver the same quality program and results whether it is virtual, live or some combination of both.
Here are a few highlights of the program:
- Gain valuable college readiness tips & strategies
- Learn about financial aid services & the tuition waiver
- Take part in lectures with Texas State University professors
- Learn about accommodations and services
- Participate in seminars, field trips & classes
- Gain hands-on experiences with assistive technology
- Practice organization/time management, note taking & study strategies
- Improve O&M skills related to navigating a college campus
- Recreational activities designed to cultivate good social habits, fitness & nutrition
Dates: June 2021 – exact dates are yet to be determined
Virtual or Live @ Texas State University in San Marcos, TX – TBD
To be accepted to CCRC’s Summer College Prep, your student must meet the following requirements:
- Legally blind or visually impaired (eye report must be submitted)
- Ages 16 – 22
- Must be in good academic standing
- Performing at or above grade level with a goal of attending college
- CCRC referral for training program (submitted by TWC Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor)
- General physical required
- Must possess a valid state issued ID
As we move into the New Year and determine how we will navigate and prepare the program with the health and safety of our customers in mind, we will be sure to provide the most up-to-date information to your child/student’s TWC VR Counselors and will continue to post about the program on our CCRC Facebook page. Additionally, if you have any questions about college prep, please feel free to contact Marlo Mrak, CCRC Admissions Recruiter at [email protected] or 512-377-0549.