
Conferences and Events

January 22, 2016

Location: Region 8 Education Service Center, Pittsburg, TX

This one-day event is co-sponsored by TSBVI Outreach Programs and Region 8 Education Service Center with support from Region 8 ESC, Region 10 ESC, East Texas Lighthouse for the Blind, Stephen F. Austin State University and DARS-Division of Blind Services.

What’s my next lesson with my student with low vision? What is my role and how can I support the needs of academic students with low vision?

Join us at this event to learn more about issues and answers for this unique group of students with visual impairments.

Highlights include:

•           interactive learning stations with ideas for instruction in the Expanded Core Curriculum

•           tips for access to the general curriculum

•           effective models for itinerant service and collaboration

Presenters: Our presenters include Dr. Cindy Bachofer, Chrissy Cowan, Dr. Kitra Gray, and Dawn Adams among others.

Audience: The conference is geared for professionals. Parents, administrators, and others are always welcome and are encouraged to attend and share in the learning.

Active Learning Conference

February 26-27, 2016

Location:  James C. Durkel Conference Center at Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, Austin, TX

Presenter:  Patty Obrzut, Director, Penrickton Center for the Blind, Michigan

This conference will provide strategies and resources for teachers and paraprofessionals who serve students with low incidence disabilities (i.e. severely cognitively disabled, medically fragile, and/or deafblind). Motivating and inspiring an individual with special needs to engage in their environment can be challenging.  Delve deeper into Active Learning theory and ways to implement this approach. Content will include the following topics:

General overview of Active Learning and the dynamic learning circle:

  • Understanding and implementing
  • The Five Phases of Educational Treatment
  • The Functional Scheme
  • Assessing the Developmental Level of special needs students
  • Identifying the developmental progression that occurs when using Active Learning equipment
  • The FIELA curriculum and meeting the needs of the special needs student
  • Adapting the daily curriculum to reflect Active Learning Techniques
  • Daily living skills and Active Learning
  • Training vs. Learning; Planning for the future – identifying the needs of your program and creating inspiration for change.

Registration Fee

$100 for Professionals and Family Members thru January 15th; $125 after that date.

$75 for Paraprofessionals and University Students thru January 15th; $100 after that date.

Assistance is available for Texas family members of students with visual impairments or deafblindness on a limited basis.

Low Vision Conference: Building on Low Vision for Students at the Practical Academic Level

May 20, 2016

Location: James C. Durkel Conference Center, Austin, TX

How can your programming enhance the quality of life for students with low vision who are academically 2-3 grades below grade level yet can learn many practical skills? These students may have mild-moderate cognitive impairments, may be in academic classes with modifications, and can actively participate in non-academic situations. They can be expected to achieve vocational independence in adulthood with ongoing support. This interactive day will highlight potential goals and lesson plan ideas, add resources to your toolbox and inspire success!

Audience: The conference is geared for professionals. Parents, administrators, and others are always welcome and are encouraged to attend and share in the learning.

Registration fee: $35 until May 1st; $45 beginning May 1st.

CEUs: ACVREP and SBEC continuing education units for 5.25 hours

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