Curriculum Department News!
Curriculum Department News!
Finding Wheels: Strategies to Build Independent Travel Skills for Those with Visual Impairments
Finding Wheels focuses on travelers with visual impairments who are teens and adults in their early 20s. As they seek greater independence, they still have much to figure out about how they will travel from place to place. In Finding Wheels, the authors put into very practical terms the many strategies that those who will not drive and those who are potential low vision drivers can employ. Whether it is riding public transportation, using rideshare services, negotiating a ride with others in a mutually beneficial way, or driving with a bioptic telescopic system as a low vision driver, Finding Wheels informs and empowers travelers to take total charge of their need for transportation. Families and professionals alike will discover that Finding Wheels informs them and provides an up-to-date definitive tool for supporting travelers who are finding their wheels.