TX SenseAbilities – Fall Winter 2017 issue
Featured Article

What Is Yoga and How Can It Benefit My Child with a Visual Impairment?
Yoga is a safe and effective exercise for children with visual impairment because of the gentle nature of this exercise and its tactile barrier of safety which is the yoga mat.
Download Article (PDF)Family Wisdom
The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired: 100 Years on 45th Street
In this article Superintendent Daugherty shares a number of changes that have occurred at TSBvI in the past 100 years.
2017 TSBVI Commencement Speech: Living Life Expansively as a Blind Person in America
The author highlights how it is the best of times and the worst of times to be a blind person living in America. He shares guiding principles for living a life that is not constricted by other people’s expectations and how to be a change agent.
Supports in Adult Life: One Family’s Solution
This article discusses two types of supports that can be utilized in adult life: Customized Employment and Supported Decision Making. Supported Decision Making relates to independent living, whereas Customized Employment is an employment process.
Fast Friends
The author shares her son’s experience in making a friend while attending the 13th Annual International Charge Syndrome Conference, held in Orlando July 2017.
DeafBlind Camp of Texas Has a Successful Second Year
The author shares about the 2017 DeafBlind Camp of Texas (DBCTX), a barrier free camp for DeafBlind adults, as well as plans for DBCTX Jr to be held in 2018.
What is ProTactile and What Are Its Benefits?
ProTactile is a socio-cultural philosophy with its own sets of philosophy, attitude, culture, and language. This emerging concept has become a way of life for the DeafBlind community. ProTactile plays an significant role in DeafBlind world. Members explore the world through touch, and most importantly communicate through touch. ProTactile is a language that the DeafBlind community embraces and benefits from as a way of life.
The Way Home
A father describes his journey with his son, as he participated in treatment with Anat Baniel, who will be presenting at the Texas Focus Conference in March 2018.
Effective Practices
Why do Students with CVI Continue to Need Services from the TVI?
The authors discuss cortical visual impairment, phase III and educational approaches for remediation.
The Nine Essentials of the Anat Baniel Method
The author describes an approach to learning and brain development involving changes In thinking.
TSBVI Summer Programs
This article provides information about TSBVI Summer Programs
News & Views
TSBVI Summer Programs
This article provides information about TSBVI Summer Programs
Child Medical Grants Available From United Health Care Children’s Foundation
This article provides information on grants available to assist children in obtaining health related services not covered or not fully covered by their family’s health insurance plan.
Vocational Rehabilitation Update
The author describes a few recent changes in the Vocational Rehabilitation program and the new summer work experience program for students with disabilities.
Transformation and the Blind Children’s Program
This article gives a summary of services offered by the Blind Children's Program
Spanish Braille and English Language Learners
Some common concerns and misconceptions when addressing braille issues of Spanish-speaking students.