Instructions for Completing Return of Instructional Materials
This form is to be used by districts ONLY for returning American Printing House for the Blind instructional materials no longer needed by students.
These instructional materials, including braillers, are loaned to school districts for use by students identified as blind or low vision. They are the property of the state of Texas. Do not send these materials to your Education Service Center.
1. Enter information on the form as follows:
- District Name, County-District Number, and ESC Region Number: Enter the district name, county-district number, and ESC region number.
- Number of Boxes in Shipment: Enter the total number of boxes in the shipment.
- APH Catalog Number: Enter the APH catalog number for each item as it appears in the APH catalog.
- APH Catalog Name of Item: Enter the complete name of each item as it appears in the APH catalog.
- Serial Number: Enter the serial number for all braillers, tape recorders, and Braille N’ Speaks being returned.
- Number Returned: Enter the quantity of each item being returned.
- District Comments: If any materials or instructional aids are broken or incomplete, use this space to describe the specific problem. Items returned to the TIMCVI for repair will not be returned to the district. These items should be reordered if still needed by a student.
- Typed Name of Special Education Contact, Telephone Number, Date, and E-mail Address: Enter the special education contact name, enter the date of the return, telephone number, and e-mail address.
2. Ship instructional materials to:
Texas Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired
TSBVI Warehouse
1100 W. 45th Street
Austin, Texas 78756-3494
All shipments should be marked FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND and packed in BOXES. Packed boxes must weigh at least one pound but cannot exceed 40 pounds. The total of the height, length, and width must not exceed 72 inches. For additional information concerning the shipment of free matter for the blind, contact the local Postmaster.