
The Activities Checklist for O&M Mentor/Protégé Teams

This is a list of activities created by an advisory committee of certified O&M specialists in Texas that represents cluster groups of the twenty educational service centers.

O&M Mentor Activities Checklist (DOC) (PDF)

The O&M Activities Checklist was initially created by an advisory committee of certified O&M specialists in Texas that represents cluster groups of the twenty educational service centers. For the purposes of organization, the activities are categorized into key subject areas.

Selected activities are to be completed by the mentor/protégé team during the time of the mentor/protégé relationship. This timeframe  extends through the protégé’s first year of employment in a school district as an O&M specialist. As soon as the mentor/protégé team assignment is established, the team members should review this activity checklist and determine a plan to complete the activities.

For each subject area, there are a few highly recommended activities (marked by E for “Essential”) and several additional suggested activities. For all the activities, the mentor and protégé should identify those that would be beneficial for the protégé to complete and see that they are covered during the mentor/protégé relationship. Each team is encouraged to identify and work on additional activities that the team members feel would benefit the protégé.

As each activity is completed, the date of completion should be noted in the box next to the activity. Each team can individually decide who is responsible for keeping the checklist up to date. However, at the end of the formal mentor/protégé assignment (i.e., after the protégé has been employed as an O&M specialist for one year), both the mentor and protégé should sign each page and submit the completed checklist to the mentor coordinator at the address indicated on the form.

Please call or email me if you have any questions about the Activities Checklist or anything else about the mentor program.

Chrissy Cowan, TSBVI Outreach Services
Mentor Coordinator 1100 W. 45th Street
Austin, Texas 78756
(512) 206-9367
[email protected]