
Request Training or Workshop

TSBVI Outreach offers many different workshops and trainings. This page gives details on different ideas and provides a link to the Training Request Form.

Information about Requesting a Workshop

There are a number of workshops we can bring to your region. We also would welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you on ideas you have for training in your region.

Build Your Own Workshops

TSBVI Outreach Programs in collaboration with other agencies and organizations provides workshops around the state on a variety of topics. Most of our workshops are designed for families, professionals and paraprofessionals.

These can be tailored to meet your in-service training needs. We can also design a workshop on other topics related to working with school-aged individuals who are visually impaired, blind, have additional disabilities or deafblindness.

Your school district, education service center, parent group or other organization may go on-line to complete a request for Outreach Training. Once we receive your request, we will contact you to discuss your needs in detail and make plans for the training.

Types of Workshops

Click on the links below to be taken to workshops on that topic.