E-Learning Course Listing
This page provides a list of all TSBVI e-learning courses currently available for professionals, paraprofessionals, and family members, free of charge. (Note: Bridge registration links on this page are for Non-TSBVI Staff only. If you are a TSBVI employee, please email [email protected] for instructions.)
How to register and claim CEUs for e-learning:
Step 1. Register in escWorks:
EscWorks is the system that records the CEUs that you have earned through all TSBVI Outreach training activities.
If your course offers credits, register for them using the link that says “Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.”
You will see this link in the description for each course on this page that offers CEUs.
If you do not want CEUs for the course, skip to step 2.
If you do not have an escWorks account yet, please set up your profile here (please use the same email address for escWorks and Bridge).
Step 2. Register in Bridge:
This is the system that delivers and tracks your e-learning courses. Once you have access to Bridge, you can self-enroll in courses by clicking on the link that says “Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge” in the course descriptions on this page.
If you do not have a Bridge account yet, please complete the Bridge access form here.
Please use the same email address in Bridge as you do in escWorks. New accounts are set up each Wednesday evening.
Note: if you are a TSBVI employee, you have to log in to Bridge differently. Please email [email protected] for instructions on how to access the courses on this page.
Step 3. Claim your credits:
If your course offers CEUs, please notify TSBVI after you have completed the lesson in Bridge. To claim your credits, make sure you have registered for your course in escWorks , then email [email protected].
How to self-register and get CEUs for TSBVI e-learning courses
Course Listings
Read course descriptions and register for courses below. Courses that offer CUEs for completion will clearly display the number of awarded hours in the course title section.
Showing 7 Results
Principles of Active Learning
This self-paced course covers the basic principles of Active Learning, an approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen of Denmark. This approach is used to provide instruction to individuals with visual impairment, who are deafblind, and who are developmentally below the age of 48 months, no matter their chronological age. In addition to visual impairment, many of these learners have significant physical, cognitive and emotional delays.
The Active Learning approach emphasizes that all individuals learn best by active participation. In the earliest stages of learning (sensorimotor and early preoperational stages) it is this active participation which actually “wires the brains” of all human learners.
This course includes content from the Active Learning Space website which is a collaborative project developed by Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Perkins School for the Blind, and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
This course contains the following content areas:
- Overview of Active Learning: Broad description of Active Learning.
- What Is Play?: Play is the vehicle for learning for all individuals in the earliest stages of development. This step in the module will define “play” and explain why it is a key learning strategy.
- Pathways to Learning: Each learner has a unique profile based on available sensory channels. Understanding what sensory channels are available to the learner is key to developing appropriate learning environments and activities.
- Dynamic Learning Circle: All learners go through four stages of learning. Breakdowns can occur in any stage of learning and educators must learn to identify where there are breakdowns in this process in order to provide appropriate learning activities and environments.
- Emotional Development: Learning is not only about cognitive and physical development, but also emotional and social development. Understanding the importance of a learner’s emotional development and how it impacts cognitive and physical development is discussed in this step.
- Key Points of Active Learning: This summarizes some of the key points in implementing an Active Learning program for a learner.
- Communicating with the Learner: This step discusses the importance of not interrupting a learner’s process with unnecessary talk or interactions.
- Five Phases of Educational Treatment: This shares information about how the adult should interact with the learner based on the learner’s social and emotional development.
- Phase 1: Offering
- Phase 2: Imitation
- Phase 3: Interaction
- Phase 4: Sharing the Work
- Phase 5: Consequences
Completion of this course will provide you with 12 CEU credits approved through ACVREP and SBEC. You must pass the course assessment with a grade of 80% or better to receive these credits.
Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.
Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge
(Note: If you are TSBVI Staff, please email [email protected] for instructions on registration)
Materials for Active Learning
Want to learn how to select the best materials to use in Active Learning environments? Would you like to be able to match materials to the learner’s skills and preferences and get ideas for creating your own learning environments? Are you looking for places to purchase various hard-to-find materials or find inexpensive materials to use? When you have completed this course, you should be able to:
- Understand and discuss basic considerations for selecting materials for use in Active Learning environments and activities.
- Gain ideas for materials that engage the learner based on his preferences and skills.
- Learn about resources for acquiring materials to use in Active Learning.
- Find examples of how material selection influences the activity of the learner.
Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.
Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge
(Note: If you are TSBVI Staff, please email [email protected] for instructions on registration)
Equipment for Active Learning
Do you want to learn how the various pieces of equipment associated with Active Learning can be used? Would you like to understand why certain pieces of equipment should be purchased from an authorized dealer rather than be made at home? Would you like ideas for equipment that can be made at home? In this course, all of this will be discussed, and you will have opportunities to view videos showing the use of many of these devices. When you have completed this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the major pieces of “perceptualizing aids” or equipment designed by Dr. Nielsen.
- Compile directions for making various types of equipment for use in Active Learning.
- Learn how to use various pieces of equipment (both things you buy and things you can make) with each student to meet their needs in developing motor, cognitive, social, emotional and perceptual skills.
Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.
Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge
(Note: If you are TSBVI Staff, please email [email protected] for instructions on registration)
Active Learning: Documenting Progress
We all know that documenting student progress is important and required by law. Are you puzzled about the best way to do this for students using Active Learning? Would you like some ideas? Would you like forms and resources to help you with student observations and re-evaluation of skills? When you have completed this course, you should be able to:
- Use the Functional Scheme to document skills acquisition in your student.
- Document progress in IEP goals and objectives for students using Active Learning.
- Document student activity in specific Active Learning environments.
- Develop a student portfolio for students using an Active Learning approach.
Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.
Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge
(Note: If you are TSBVI Staff, please email [email protected] for instructions on registration)
Implementing Active Learning
Would you like to learn about Dr. Nielsen’s FIELA Curriculum and how it can be used to develop programming? How about getting ideas for how to organize your classroom and your student’s daily and weekly schedule? Would you like to see examples of how to develop activities and environments to teach both general and expanded core curriculum, or work on specific motor skills? When you have completed this module, you should be able to:
- Discuss basic implementation strategies for using an Active Learning approach in school, home and community environments.
- Share basic information about the FIELA curriculum and how it is used to structure activities throughout the student’s day and week.
- Describe various ways to organize a classroom or school environment to better implement Active Learning.
- Suggest activities and environments that match the learner’s developmental level, needs, and preferences and can help a learner to develop motor skills such as grasp, reach, balance, independent sitting, standing, and walking using Active Learning equipment and activities.
- Suggest several strategies for utilizing Active Learning activities and environments to teach both general and expanded core curriculum content.
- Suggest specific strategies for addressing the unique needs of a learner with cortical visual impairment.
Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.
Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge
(Note: If you are TSBVI Staff, please email [email protected] for instructions on registration)
Program Planning for Active Learning
Parents and educators often express frustration in developing the IEP for students who are using an Active Learning approach.
How does the Functional Scheme relate to present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP)? How do you write goals and objectives that specify an Active Learning approach, align to the general curriculum and also address the Expanded Core Curriculum? What about the older student who is in the process of moving out of school into adult life? Does Active Learning have a place in Transition Services? Does an Active Learning approach mean a student must be placed in a self-contained classroom?
This self-paced course serves two purposes:
- As a support to educational staff who must develop the Individualized Education Program for a student that meets the requirements outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
- As a support to family members who want to advocate for their child to have an Active Learning approach as a part of their program and ensure the Individual Education Program (IEP) is developed so this will happen.
This course shares information about the development of the IEP and discusses how the Active Learning approach may be documented in the IEP. Content that is covered includes:
- Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
- Goals and Objectives
- Supplementary and Related Services and Supports
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- Special Factors
- Transition Services
- Placement
- Alignment of the IEP with the general (standard) curriculum
- Addressing the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for students with visual impairments and DeafBlindness
When you have completed this course, you should be able to:
- Advocate for an Active Learning approach to be specified in the student’s IEP.
- Specify needed assistive technology related to Active Learning in the IEP.
- Specify needed training for staff and family related to Active Learning in the IEP.
- Specify in the IEP which Active Learning instructional strategies to use during academic and functional skills instruction.
- Specify an Active Learning approach when developing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and/or a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) in the IEP.
- Develop appropriate goals and benchmarks (objectives) in the IEP related to Active Learning.
- Advocate for including Active Learning elements in Transition Planning.
Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.
Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge
(Note: If you are TSBVI Staff, please email [email protected] for instructions on registration)
Active Learning Functional Scheme
The Functional Scheme is a tool designed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen, creator of Active Learning. It can be used for initial assessment and learning program re-assessment with children and adults with multiple special needs who are functioning at a developmental level under 48 months. The purpose of the tool is to create the best possible basis for developing an appropriate learning program for the individual.
The scheme helps to determine where an individual is currently functioning. Areas of assessment are broken down into development steps as observed in individuals with multiple special needs. After determining a person’s functional level, appropriate individualized programming can be developed using the best materials, perceptualizing aides and equipment, and phase of educational treatment.
The Functional Scheme helps the evaluator to re-assess the current learning program. The same functional scheme will be used to assess an individual throughout their lifetime. The evaluator can identify what skills are emerging, performed under favorable conditions, or performed spontaneously.
This course includes information on
- How to complete the Functional Scheme.
- How to use the results to determine an overall level of skills.
- How to use this tool for the purpose of documenting child progress and for annual re-assessment.
Register in escWorks to earn credits for completing this course.
Self-Enroll for the course in Bridge
(Note: If you are TSBVI Staff, please email [email protected] for instructions on registration)