
Orientation & Mobility (O&M)

This page is a place to find resources and information related to Orientation and Mobility. The information and resources found here are intended for the whole Team: professionals, families, and students.

banner photo for o&m

This page is a place to find resources and information related to Orientation and Mobility. The information and resources found here are intended for the whole Team: professionals, families, and students. This page is intended to provide access to a wide variety of information and resources related to students with visual impairments and deafblindness. Please send ideas for additional resources or features you would like included to Outreach Statewide Orientation and Mobility Consultant, Scott Turner at [email protected].

Quick links for sections on this page:

Blogs, Listservs, and LiveBinders

Education Codes And Legal References


Orientation and Mobility Visual Impairment Scale of Service Intensity of Texas (O&M-VISSIT) The O&M VISSIT: Orientation & Mobility Visual Impairment Scale of Service Intensity of Texas is designed to guide orientation and mobility (O&M) specialists in determining the type and amount of itinerant O&M services to recommend for students on their caseload.

New Mexico School for the Blind Orientation and Mobility Inventory Another option for ongoing evaluation of students’ present levels of performance and a terrific tool for planning appropriate goals and objectives.

Guidelines and Standards for Educating Students with Visual Impairments – a “go-to” document for everything about serving students with visual impairments.

Benefits of O&M

General Orientation and Mobility Recommendations for Functional Programs

Michigan O&M Severity Rating Scale 2017 – two downloadable intensity of service scales from the Michigan Department of Education. One for students with visual impairments (OMSRS) and one for students with visual impairments and additional disabilities (OMSRS+).

T-TESS Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System for COMS (PDF)

Introduction to T-TESS for COMS document for COMS and Administrators (PDF)

Professional Development Assessment System (PDAS) Companion for VI Professionals: Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS©)

VI and O&M Preparation in Texas

What Should I Charge for Contractual Services? (PDF)

What is the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC)?

Training Events

Southwest Orientation and Mobility Association (SWOMA) is a Southwest regional conference. SWOMA typically occurs annually in or near the beginning of November. Visit the SWOMA Conference Page for additional information.

