
Individualized Instruction

Individualized instruction may take the form of distance communication, student-teacher visits to our campus, or an STP teacher visiting your district.

Individualized Instruction

Sometimes, students are unable to attend a Short-Term Programs class during the school year. However, they may benefit from instruction to support their academic coursework. In order to serve students who are unable to attend our traditional in-person classes, Short-Term Programs staff offer individualized instruction that may take the form of distance communication (e.g., via Zoom web conferencing platform), student-teacher visits to our campus, or a Short-Term Programs teacher visiting your district to teach a lesson. The individualized instruction model seeks to find a solution that best fits your student’s needs.

What Next?

  • If you are interested in exploring individualized instruction for your student, submit a referral for Individualized Instruction.
  • A Short-Term Programs teacher will contact you to discuss student needs, dates, and locations.
  • You can help our teachers by identifying available classroom or instructional spaces in your district.

We look forward to working with you to support students this way each school year!

For additional information about the content of this section contact Eden Hagelman at [email protected] or 512-206-9451.

  • I liked everything. It was nice that we could have it even with the current circumstances. The schedule was nice with the breaks. I like the individual instruction.

    EmmaGrace O. Student
  • The teacher was able to connect and build a relationship with Alex that gave way to him learning the technology she taught. All by virtual teaching.

Students with life preservers stand on a boat
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