Independent Living Search

Garbage Disposal

Before using your garbage disposal, check for utensils in the disposal before starting.

  1. Turn the cold water on fairly high.
  2. Push the food through the plastic splashguard into the disposal. Only put small quantities at a time into the garbage disposal and small pieces. Don’t stuff!
  3. Flip the switch on. Keep the switch on until you don’t hear any grinding noises.
  4. Turn switch off.
  5. Continue running cold water for a little longer to clear the drain.

DO NOT GRIND: coffee grounds, egg shells, potato peelings, celery, artichoke pieces, onion skins, paper or anything that you aren’t sure about. Never pour grease into the garbage disposal. Other foods to put into the trashcan include: orange peels, spinach stems and cornhusks.

If you aren’t sure if it will grind, throw it into the trashcan. Remember the garbage disposal does not replace your trashcan!