
Family Lynx Meeting Topic: Importance of Family/Parental Involvement

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Event Schedule
Date Time Location
Sep. 12, 2023 7:00 - 8:00PM Online/Virtual

We are so excited to be celebrating another wonderful school year. Lynx Leaders Amy Potts and Barbara Knighton will be speaking about the importance of family/parental involvement and opportunities available through the Family Lynx organization. Principal Miles Fain will review and seek input about the TSBVI Title I Program Plan and the TSBVI Parent/Family Involvement Plan and additional ways to get involved with the school. We will also be hosting a new family Q&A session for families new to TSBVI. Come and get to know some of the awesome staff and administrators and have your questions answered. Looking forward to seeing all of you. Spanish translation provided. ASL interpretation provided upon request.

Select this link to JOIN NOW:
Or By Telephone: US: +1 346 248 7799  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 720 928 9299  or +1 786 635 1003. 
Meeting ID: 917 8578 8532

Family Lynx Facebook Group – open to those affiliated with TSBVI