
Braille and ASL Specialty Fonts

Sometimes it is useful to produce printed materials with Braille or Sign Language Fonts. This page serves as a resource of free fonts.

Print Fonts (Mac and Windows)

The Inter typeface family embodies characteristics that have been shown to enhance reading speed, comprehension, and comfort for large print users.

The Atkinson Hyperlegible font focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability.

Windows Fonts

Note: all font files are self-extracting zip files. After downloading, execute (double-click) the file, then copy the font file(s) into your font directory.

Braille Fonts

Sign Language Fonts

Macintosh Fonts

OS X (10.5+) has the following braille fonts permanently installed in /System/Library/Fonts

  • Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot.ttf
  • Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot.ttf
  • Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot.ttf
  • Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot.ttf

gh braille fonts for Mac

Unicode Braille Fonts