
Summer Programs

TSBVI offers summer enrichment programs that are engaging and educational for ages 6-22. Also offered are work programs for students ages 16-22.

Summer Programs

Summer Programs Application opens January 8 and closes February 14 each year.

All programs are enrichment (rather than IEP-based) and specially designed for blind or visually impaired students school aged students from across the state. We strive to provide activities that are engaging, interactive, educational, and fun!

  • Applications should be completed by the student’s Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (CTSVI). Summer programs do not require an ARD or district referral.
  • Parents are responsible for transportation to and from summer programs. We encourage the school district to assist families with transportation costs when possible.
  • Parents are responsible for spending money for their student, the amount for each program will be listed in the acceptance letter but averages $20 per week.
  • The Medical Dietary form is part of the online application. If you are a parent and you wish to download the PDF version of the form, use the following links:

Once you complete the form, return it to your student’s CTSVI so that they may complete the application process.

For information about the application process, contact: Nichelle White, [email protected], 512-206-9332, or Phoebe Williams, [email protected], 512-206-9241.

Elementary Summer Enrichment (ages 6–12)

This program is designed to be fun and engaging for our younger students while offering an opportunity for social interaction with peers from across the state. This one-week program is offered two times: June 9–June 14 and June 16–June 21. Students of elementary age who were formerly served in Practical Experiences in Expanded Core (PEEC) may now apply for the Elementary Summer Enrichment program.

Secondary Enrichment (ages 12–22)

This program is for students who are enrolled in middle or high school during this school year. All students in this age range are eligible to apply. This one-week program is offered two times: June 23–June 28, and June 30–July 5. Middle school and high school age students who were formerly served in Practical Experiences in Expanded Core (PEEC) program may now apply for the Secondary Enrichment program. Check out our new for credit classes this summer.

Summer Work Experience in Austin Texas (SWEAT) (ages 17–22)

Work program for students who are learning from a curriculum that is on or close to grade level. The program is offered June 9–July 5. In order to determine learning goals for SWEAT, students may be required to participate in an online interview via Zoom.

Working And Living In The Community (WALIC) (ages 16–22)

Work program for students using curriculum three or more years below grade level. The program is offered June 9–July 5.

Applications Site

Complete an application. This link will direct you to information about our summer program choices. No referral necessary. The application opens each January.

Apply Here!
A pair of hands using braille to read
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