
AIB (TSBVI) – Accountability: Performance Reporting

The annual performance report includes the school's performance objectives, progress toward these objectives, and the school's performance rating assigned by the Texas Education Agency.


The TSBVI Board of Trustees shall publish an annual report describing the educational performance of the School. The report shall include the School’s performance objectives, progress toward these objectives, and the School’s performance rating assigned by the Texas Education Agency. Supplemental information to be included in the report shall be determined by the School’s Board of Trustees.

The TSBVI School Board will disseminate, through the Superintendent’s Office, the annual performance report to parents of enrolled students, districts that have placed students at the School, and regional education service centers (RESCs). Additionally, the Board will notify parents of enrolled students, districts that have placed students at the School, and RESCs of an opportunity for public discussion of the annual performance report at a regularly scheduled board meeting. The School’s planning and decision-making committee will hold at least one public meeting for the purpose of discussing the School’s performance report.

By December 1, the School shall disseminate the annual performance report.

Education Code 30.005; 19 TAC 97.1012

Report Uses

The information reported shall be a primary consideration in school-wide planning. It shall also be a primary consideration of the Board in the evaluation of the Superintendent, and of the Superintendent in the evaluation of the TSBVI principals. Education Code 39.307

Student Performance Report

Each year, TEA shall report to TSBVI whether each student fell below, met, or exceeded the necessary target for improvement necessary to be prepared to perform satisfactorily on, as applicable, the grade five assessments, the grade eight assessments, and the end-of-course assessments required for graduation. Education Code 39.034, .302

Notice to Parents

TSBVI shall provide a record of the annual improvement information from TEA in a written notice to the student’s parent or other adult standing in parental relationship. If a student failed to perform satisfactorily on a state assessment, TSBVI shall include in the notice specific information relating to access to online educational resources at the appropriate assessment instrument content level, including educational resources and assessment instrument questions and released answers. Education Code 39.303

Notice to Teachers and Students

TSBVI shall prepare a report of the annual improvement information and provide the report at the beginning of the school year to:

  1. each teacher for all students, including incoming students, who took a state assessment; and
  2. all students who were provided instruction by that teacher in the subject for which the assessment instrument was administered.

The report shall indicate whether the student performed satisfactorily or, if the student did not perform satisfactorily, whether the student met the standard for annual improvement.

Education Code 39.304


TSBVI receives Title 1 funding and therefore shall disseminate an annual federal report card that includes information on TSBVI as a whole.


The federal report card shall be concise, presented in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand; and accessible to the public, which shall include placing the report card on the TSBVI website.

Minimum Requirements

The federal report card shall include the information required in the annual state report card described in 20 U.S.C. 6311(h)(1)(C), as applied to TSBVI including, if available:

  1. Information that shows how students served by TSBVI achieved on state academic assessments compared to students in the state as a whole.
  2. Any other information that TSBVI determines is appropriate and will best provide parents, students, and other members of the public with information regarding the progress of TSBVI, whether or not such information is included in the annual state report card.

20 U.S.C. 6311(h)(2)

Adopted:         5/20/99

Amended:        1/25/19, 10/1/21

Reviewed:       3/21/03, 11/19/04, 1/25/08