
AIA (TSBVI) – Accountability: Accreditation and Performance Indicators

The annual evaluation plan for accreditation.


Accreditation for TSBVI shall be determined in accordance with the memorandum of understanding between TSBVI and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) required by the Texas Education Code 30.005 and 19 TAC 97.1012.


TEA and TSBVI shall jointly develop and agree upon a set of quality indicators that are appropriate to the characteristics of students served by TSBVI. Annually, the commissioner shall approve indicators of performance that measure the quality of student learning at the School.

The indicators shall include measures of academic and/or developmental performance, as well as other measures appropriate to the characteristics of the student populations served.

To the extent appropriate, the indicators shall incorporate assessment of academic skills and alternative assessment measures required by State statute under the Texas Education Code, Subchapter B, Chapter 39.


The School’s annual performance evaluation shall be based on quality indicators selected annually from among the set of quality indicators developed, and jointly agreed upon, by TSBVI and TEA to address the characteristics of the student groups served.

The selected quality indicators used for the annual performance evaluation shall measure, as appropriate, academic and/or non-academic performance on norm- or criterion-referenced instruments, progress in the attainment of student individualized education program goals, statewide criterion-referenced assessment, completion of courses of credits, or completion of graduation requirements. Additional non-academic indicators may be selected that measure dropout rates, attendance, or other appropriate measures of student success.


The method for evaluating TSBVI’s annual performance shall be determined as follows:

  1. Annually, by September 1, TSBVI shall submit to the commissioner an accountability proposal. The proposal shall be developed with input from the School’s planning and decision-making committee, and shall include the following information to be used to determine the current year accountability rating:
    1. quality indicators,
    2. performance objectives within each indicator, and
    3. minimum standards for determining achievement of performance objectives.
  2. By September 15, the commissioner shall review the proposal and notify the School superintendent of approval, or needed modifications to obtain approval of the proposed indicators and performance objectives to be used for determining an accountability rating.
  3. By November 1, the commissioner shall provide notification of final approval of the proposal indicators and performance objectives.
  4. By July 1, following the year for which the School’s performance is being evaluated, the School shall submit to TEA all complete and accurate data necessary to document performance with respect to the approved indicators and performance objectives selected for rating purposes under the accountability system.
  5. TEA shall perform an annual performance evaluation for TSBVI beginning with the 2000-2001 school year.


By September 1, the commissioner shall assign the School a rating of “acceptable” or “needing monitoring review.”

To attain a rating of “acceptable,” the School shall attain all approved performance objectives established for each selected indicator.

If the School receives a rating of “needing monitoring review,” the School may appeal the rating to the commissioners by October 1. The rating will be final by November 1.

The determination of the performance rating may include consideration of the effectiveness of the special education program based on the Agency’s most recent compliance review of the School and program for special populations.


The Texas Education Agency shall monitor the School’s compliance with federal and state laws and regulations related to services for special populations by conducting a periodic monitoring review. TEA shall determine the schedule for the review.

Adopted:         5/20/99

Amended:       11/21/03, 1/28/11, 10/1/21

Reviewed:       11/19/04, 11/20/09