Students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing must have an education in which their unique communication mode is respected, used, and developed to an appropriate level of proficiency. Education Code 29.303; 34 CFR 300.8(a), (c)(3), (c)(5)
A student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing must have an education in which teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, progress assessors, administrators, and others involved in education understand the unique nature of deafness and the hard-of-hearing condition. A teacher of deaf or hard-of-hearing students either must be proficient in appropriate language modes or use an interpreter certified in appropriate language modes if certification is available. Regular and special personnel who work with students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing must be adequately prepared to provide educational instruction and services to those students.
The School shall employ or provide access to appropriate qualified staff with proficient communication skills, consistent with credentialing requirements, to fulfill the responsibilities of the School and shall make positive efforts to employ qualified individuals with disabilities.
Education Code 29.304; 34 CFR 300.8(a), (c)(3), (c)(5)
Students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing must have an education in which parents or legal guardians and advocates for parents or legal guardians are involved in determining the extent, content, and purpose of programs. Other individuals may be involved at the discretion of parents or legal guardians or the School. Education Code 29.306
Students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing shall be given the opportunity to be exposed to deaf or hard-of-hearing role models. Education Code 29.307
If the School has students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, it shall include in its local special education advisory committee persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and parents or students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, if practicable. Education Code 29.309
The School shall not discriminate on the basis of race, culture, or sex when selecting and administering procedures and materials for assessment and placement of students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Education Code 29.310(a); 19 TAC 89.1011 et seq
A single assessment instrument may not be the sole criterion for determining the placement of a student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing. Education Code 29.310(b)
Procedures and materials for the assessment and placement of a student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing shall be in the student’s preferred mode of communication. All other procedures and materials used with any student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing and who has limited English proficiency shall be in the student’s preferred mode of communication. Education Code 29.210(c)
Programs for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing must be coordinated with other public and private agencies, including agencies operating early childhood intervention programs, preschools, agencies operating child development programs, nonpublic non-sectarian schools, agencies operating regional occupational centers and programs, and the Texas School for the Deaf. The programs must also be coordinated with post-secondary and adult programs for persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Education Code 29.311
Appropriate psychological counseling services for a student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing shall be made available in the student’s primary mode of communication. Appropriate auditory systems shall be used with students who are hard-of-hearing, if required by the ARD committee. Education Code 29.312
The School must provide continuous evaluation of the effectiveness of programs for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. If practicable, the evaluations shall follow program excellence indicators established by TEA. Education Code 29.313
In addition to satisfying requirements under state and federal law for vocational training, the School shall develop and implement a transition plan for transition of students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing into a regular class program if the student is to be transferred from a special class or center or from a nonpublic, non-sectarian school into a regular class for any part of the school day. The transition plan must provide for activities to integrate the students into the regular education program and to support the transition of the student from the special education program into the regular education program. Education Code 29.314
Adopted: 1/24/97
Amended: 9/27/19
Reviewed: 1/28/05