
EHBF Special Programs: Career and Technology Education


Each public school student shall master the basic skills and knowledge necessary for managing the dual roles of family member and wage earner and for gaining entry-level employment in a high-skill, high-wage job or continuing the student’s education at the post-secondary level.  Education Code 29.181

The Board may offer and oversee career and technology classes and other educational programs for students.  In developing a career and technology program, the Board shall consider the state plan for career and technology education.   Education Code 29.183


The Board may develop and offer a program that provides a rigorous course of study consistent with the required curriculum [see EHAA] and under which a student may:

  1. Receive specific education in a career and technology profession that leads to postsecondary education or meets or exceeds business or industry standards;
  2. Obtain from TSBVI an award for distinguished achievement in career and technology education and a stamp or other notation on the student’s transcript that indicates receipt of the award.

An award granted under this section is not in lieu of a diploma or certificate of coursework completion.  [See EI]

In developing the program, the Board shall consider the state plan for career and technology education.  The Board must submit the proposed program to the Commissioner of Education in accordance with criteria established by the Commissioner.

Contracts with Other Entities

The Board may contract with an entity listed in Education Code 29.184(a) [see EEL] for assistance in developing the program or providing instruction to TSBVI students participating in the program.  The board may also contract with a local business or a local institution of higher education for assistance in developing or operating a career and technology education program.  A program may provide education in areas of technology unique to Central Texas.


The Board may provide insurance to protect a business that contracts with TSBVI under this provision.  [See CRB]

Education Code 29.187


The following provisions apply to the School in the event TSBVI receives federal career and technical education funds.  19 TAC 75.1021

Program Evaluation

The School shall annually evaluate its career and technical education programs. 19 TAC 75.1025

Special Populations

All TSBVI students shall be provided career and technical services in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations and rules.  19 TAC 75.1023(a)


In this policy, a “member of a special population” who may be eligible to attend TSBVI includes:

  1. An individual with a visual impairment disability [see EHBAB];
  2. An individual with a visual impairment from an economically disadvantaged family, including low income youth and adults;
  3. A visually impaired individual preparing for nontraditional fields of training and employment;
  4. A single parent, including single a pregnant woman with visual impairment(s) who is under age 23;
  5. An out-of-workforce individual who is under 23 with visual impairments;
  6. An English learner with a visual impairment who is under the age of 23;
  7. A homeless individual with visual impairments described in Section 725 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act;
  8. Visually impaired youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system but are still under the age of 23 and
  9. Visually impaired youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty.

20 U.S.C. 2302(29)

Students with Disabilities

A TSBVI student shall be provided career and technical education in accordance with all applicable federal law and regulations, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 and it implementing regulations, state statutes, and rules of the SBOE and the Commissioner.

A TSBVI student shall be instructed in accordance with the student’s individualized educational program (IEP), in the least restrictive environment, as determined by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee.  If a student with a disability is unable to receive a free appropriate public education (educational benefit) in a regular career and technical education program, using supplementary aids and services, the student may be served in separate programs designed to address the student’s occupational/training needs, such as career and technical education for students with disabilities (CTED).  [See EHBA]

A TSBVI student is an eligible participant in career and technology education when the following requirements are met:

  1. The ARD Committee shall include a representative from career and technical education, preferably the teacher, when considering initial or continued placement of a student in career and technical education program;
  2. Planning for the student shall be coordinated among career and technical education, special education, and state rehabilitation agencies and should include a coherent sequence of courses;
  3. The School shall monitor to determine if the instruction being provided TSBVI students with disabilities in career and technical education classes is consistent with those students’ IEPs;
  4. The School shall provide supplementary services that each TSBVI student needs to successfully complete a career and technical education program, such as curriculum modification, equipment modification, classroom modification, supportive personnel, and instructional aids and devices;
  5. The School shall help fulfill the transitional services requirements of the IDEA of 2004 and implementing regulations, state statutes, and rules of the Commissioner for each student with a disability who is completing a coherent sequence of career and technical education courses.
  6. When determining placement in a career and technical classroom, the ARD Committee shall consider a student’s graduation plan, the content of the individual transition plan, the IEP, and classroom supports. Enrollment numbers should not create a harmful effect on student learning for a student with or without disabilities in accordance with the provisions in the IDEA of 2004 and its implementing regulations.

19 TAC 75.1023

Student Organizations

The School may use federal career and technical education funds to provide opportunities for student participation in approved student leadership organizations and assist career and technical student organizations in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations.   A student shall not, however, be required to join a career and technical student organization.  Student participation in career and technical student organizations shall be governed in accordance with 19 Administrative Code Chapter 76 (relating to extracurricular activities).

The following career and technical student organizations are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and TEA:

  1. Business Professionals of America (BPA);
  2. Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA);
  3. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA);
  4. Future Farmers of America (FFA);
  5. Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA);
  6. Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA);
  7. Technology Student Association (TSA); and
  8. Skills USA.

19 TAC 75.1024 [See FM]

Adopted:             1/24/97

Amended:          1/30/04, 1/28/05, 4/5/13, 9/27/19
