Relevant to the student population served at TSBVI, a “Student at risk of dropping out of school” includes each student who is under 22 years of age and who:
- Was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years, unless the student did not advance from prekindergarten or kindergarten to the next grade level only as a result of the request of the student’s parent;
- If the student is in grade 7-12 did not maintain an average equivalent to 70 on a scale of 100 in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year, or is not maintaining such an average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the current semester at the local school district;
- Did not perform satisfactorily on a state assessment instrument and who has not in the previous or current school year subsequently performed on that instrument or another appropriate instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that instrument;
- If the student is in kindergarten, or grade 1-3, did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the current school year;
- Is pregnant or is a parent;
- Has been placed in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) in accordance with Education Code 37.006 during the preceding or current school year;
- Was previously reported through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to have dropped out of school;
- Is a student of limited English proficiency, as defined by Section 29.052;
- Is in the custody or care of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official;
- Is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. 11302 and its subsequent amendments [see FD]; or
- Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a cottage home operation, or foster group home.
- Has a parent or guardian who has been incarcerated, within the lifetime of the student, in a penal institution as defined by Penal Code 1.07.
Education Code 29.081(d)-(d-1)
INTENSIVE tsbVi INSTRUCTION for students receiving SPECIAL EDUCATION services
Intensive Instruction
The School shall offer an intensive program of instruction to a student who does not perform satisfactorily on a state assessment instrument as documented in the student’s IEP.
For a TSBVI student who does not perform satisfactorily on a state assessment instrument, the student’s admission, review, and dismissal committee shall design the program to enable the student to attain a standard of annual growth on the basis of the student’s individualized education program (IEP) and, if applicable, carry out the purposes of Education Code 28.0211.
Education Code 28.0211
State Assessments
The program shall be designed to:
- Enable the student to:
- To the extent practicable, perform at the student’s grade level at the conclusion of the next regular school term; or
- Attain a standard of annual growth specified by a district and reported by the district to TEA; and
If applicable, carry out the purposes of Education Code 28.0211. [See EIE]
The School shall use student performance data from state basic skills assessment instruments, achievement tests and performance indicator data to design and implement appropriate intensive or accelerated instructional services with the goal of student performance at grade level at the conclusion of the next regular school term. Education Code 29.081(a) [See MOU with TEA]
Accelerated Instruction
The ARD committee considers the appropriateness of instruction to enrolled students who have taken an end-of-course assessment instrument and have not performed satisfactorily or who are at risk of dropping out of school. Education Code 29.081(b), 39.025(b-1)
The School may provide tutorial services in its Comprehensive Programs as determined by the student’s Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee. If TSBVI provides tutorial services, it shall require a student whose grade in a subject for a reporting period is lower than the equivalent of 70 on a scale of 100 to attend tutorials. [See EC for provisions on lost class time.]
Education Code 29.084
The School may provide mentoring services to students. The School may arrange for any public or nonprofit community-based organization to come to the School and implement the program. The School shall obtain the consent of a student’s parent or guardian before allowing the student to participate in the program. Education Code 29.089
The student’s ARD committee shall determine appropriate intensive or accelerated reading instruction that addresses reading deficiencies to each student in first grade or second grade who is determined, on the basis of reading assessment results [see EKC], to be at risk for dyslexia or other reading difficulties. TSBVI shall provide additional reading instruction and intervention to each student [see EKC], as appropriate to improve the student’s reading skills in the relevant areas identified through the assessment instrument. Education Code 28.006
Graduation Requirements
The School shall provide an intensive program of instruction to plan and implement intensive instruction and other activities aimed at helping a student satisfy state and local high school graduation requirements as documented in the student’s IEP.
No Cause of Action
The School’s determination of the appropriateness of an intensive program of instruction for a student is final and does not create a cause of action. Education Code 28.0213
NOTE: Please see local school district policies on Dropout Recovery Education Programs as compensatory education and optional extended year programs and services are provided by the local school districts.
Adopted: 5/28/92
Amended: 5/24/96, 1/24/97, 11/19/99, 1/24/02, 1/28/05, 9/22/06, 6/5/13, 4/5/19, 11/15/19