For any TSBVI student whose IEP includes instruction in required curriculum as described in this policy, TSBVI will either:
- offer the course to the student; or
- arrange for the student to take the course in a local public school setting.
The School must provide instruction in the required curriculum as specified in 19 TAC 74.1, relating to essential knowledge and skills. The School shall ensure that sufficient time is provided for teachers to teach and for students to learn English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, health, physical education, technology applications, and to the extent possible, languages other than English. The School may provide instruction in a variety of arrangements and settings, including mixed-age programs designed to permit flexible learning arrangements for developmentally appropriate instruction for all student populations to support student attainment of course and grade level standards. 19 TAC 74.3(a)(1)
Physical Activity Requirements
Students in grades 6–8 are required to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes for at least four semesters during those grade levels as part of the School’s physical education curriculum.
TSBVI may as an alternative require a student enrolled in a grade level for which the School uses block scheduling to participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity for at least 225 minutes during each period of two school weeks.
The School must provide an exemption for:
- A student who is unable to participate in the required physical activity because of illness or disability; and
- A student who participates in an extracurricular activity with a moderate or vigorous physical activity component that is considered a structured activity and meets the requirements for extracurricular activity as defined at 19 Administrative Code 76.1001.
The School may allow an exemption for a student on a middle or junior high school campus participating in a school-related activity or an activity sponsored by a private league or club only if that activity meets each of the following requirements:
- The activity must be structured;
- The Board must certify the activity; and
- The student must provide proof of participation in the activity.
A “structured activity” is an activity that meets, at a minimum, each of the following requirements:
- The activity is based on the grade appropriate movement, physical activity and health, and social development strands of the essential knowledge and skills for physical education specified in 19 Administrative Code Chapter 116; and
- The activity is organized and monitored by school personnel or by appropriately trained instructors who are part of a program that has been certified by the Board.
Education Code 28.002(l)-(l-1); 19 TAC 103.1003
Fine Arts Requirement
The School will ensure that, beginning with students who enter grade 6 in the 2010-11 school year, each student completes one Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills-based fine arts course in grade 6, grade 7, or grade 8. Education Code 28.002(c-1); 19 TAC 74.3(a)(2)
Instruction in High School, College, and Career Preparation
TSBVI shall provide instruction to students in grade 7 or 8 in preparing for high school, college, and a career. The instruction must include information regarding:
- The creation of a high school personal graduation plan under Education Code 28.02121;
- The distinguished level of achievement described by Education Code 28.025(b-15);
- Each endorsement described by Education Code 28.025 (c-1);
- College readiness standards; and
- Potential career choices and the education needed to enter those careers.
TSBVI may provide the instruction as part of an existing course in the required curriculum; provide the instruction as part of an existing career and technology course designated by the State Board of Education (SBOE) as appropriate for that purpose; or establish a new elective course through which to provide the instruction.
Education Code 28.016
The School may offer courses designated for grades 9-12 in earlier grade levels. 19 TAC 74.26(b)
The School shall provide instruction in the required curriculum as specified in 19 TAC 74.1, relating to the essential knowledge and skills. According to each student’s IEP, the School shall ensure that sufficient time is provided for teachers to teach and for students to learn the essential knowledge and skills. 19 TAC 74.3(b)(1)
The School shall offer the courses listed below in grades 9-12 and shall maintain evidence that students have the opportunity to take these courses:
- English language arts – English I, II, III, and IV or an additional advanced English course such as that offered through McCallum High School.
- Mathematics – Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus and Mathematical Models with applications.
- Science – Integrated Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and at least two additional science courses selected from:
- Aquatic Science;
- Astronomy
- Earth and Space Science
- Environmental Systems;
- Advanced Animal Science;
- Advanced Biotechnology;
- Advanced Plant and Soil Science;
- Anatomy and Physiology;
- Engineering Design and Problem Solving;
- Food Science;
- Forensic Science;
- Medical Microbiology;
- Pathophysiology;
- Scientific Research and Design; and
- Principals of Engineering
The requirement to offer two additional courses may be reduced to one by the Commissioner upon application of TSBVI as a school with a total high school enrollment of less than 500 students.
Science courses shall include at least 40 percent hands-on laboratory investigations and fieldwork, using appropriate scientific inquiry.
- Social studies – United States History Studies Since 1877, World History Studies, United States Government, World Geography Studies, Personal Financial Literacy, and Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and its Benefits.
- Physical education – At least two of the following
- Foundations of Personal Fitness;
- Adventure/Outdoor education;
- Aerobic Activities; or
- Team or Individual sports.
- Fine arts – courses selected from at least two of the four fine arts areas (art, music, theatre and dance) as follows
- Art I, II, III, IV;
- Music I, II, III, IV;
- Theatre I, II, III, IV; or
- Dance I, II, III, IV.
- Career and technology education [see Policy EHBF] –three or more career and technical education courses for four or more credits with at least one advanced course aligned with one TEA-designated program of study in the following possible courses as follows:
- Agricultural, Food, and Natural Resources;
- Architecture and Construction;
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communication;
- Business Management and Administration;
- Education and Training;
- Finance;
- Government and Public Administration;
- Health Science;
- Hospitality and Tourism;
- Human Services;
- Information Technology;
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security;
- Manufacturing;
- Marketing;
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; and
- Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics.
- Languages other than English – Levels I, II and III or higher of the same language.
- Computer Science – one course selected from Fundamentals of Computer Science, Computer Science I, or Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles.
- Speech – Communications Applications.
19 TAC 74.3(b)(2)
Students shall be given the opportunity each year to select courses in which he or she intends to participate from a list that includes all courses listed above. If the School will not offer all required courses every year, but intends to offer particular courses only every other year, it must notify all enrolled students of that fact.
TSBVI shall teach any course a student is specifically required to take for high school graduation at least once in any two consecutive school years. For a subject that has an end-of-course assessment, the School shall either teach the course every year or use alternate delivery systems, as described in 19 Administrative Code Chapter 74, Subchapter C, to enable students to earn credit for the course and shall maintain evidence thereof.
19 TAC 74.3(b)(4)
TSBVI may offer additional courses from the complete list of courses approved by the SBOE to satisfy graduation requirements. 19 TAC 74.3(b)(3)
TSBVI may allow a student to enroll concurrently in Algebra I and geometry. Education Code 28.025(b-6)
TSBVI shall either teach, or provide access to instruction in a local public school any course a student is required to take for graduation, or any course in which:
- local public school courses, ten or more students indicate they will participate;
- TSBVI courses, three or more students indicate they will participate.
Personal Financial Literacy
The School shall offer a course in personal financial for one-half elective credit using materials approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE). The instruction in personal financial literacy must include instruction on completing the application for federal student aid provided by the Department of Education. In fulfilling the requirement to provide financial literacy instruction, the School may use an existing state, federal, private, or nonprofit program that provides students without charge the described instruction. The School shall ensure that a student enrolled at an institution of higher education in a dual credit course meeting the requirements for an economics credit receive the personal financial literacy instruction. This course need not be offered annually and may be provided through McCallum High School. The credit may be used for an endorsement in Arts and Humanities or Multi-Disciplinary Studies. Education Code 28.002
The School may offer the foundation curriculum required by the Recommended and Advanced/Distinguished Achievement High School Programs in an applied manner. The course must cover the essential knowledge and skills, and the student shall be administered the applicable end-of-course assessment instrument. Education Code 28.025(b-4)
For students entering grade 9, the School must ensure that one or more courses offered in the required curriculum for the Recommended and Advanced/Distinguished Achievement High School Programs include a research writing component. 19 TAC 74.3(b)(5)
High School
The School shall use the parenting and paternity awareness program developed by the SBOE in its high school health curriculum.
Middle and Junior High School
The School may use the program in the district’s middle or junior high school curriculum.
Program Requirements
Implementation of this requirement shall comply with the requirement that the board establish a local school health advisory council to assist the School in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the School’s health education instruction.
The School may add elements at its discretion but must include the following areas of instruction:
- Parenting skills and responsibilities, including child support;
- Relationship skills, including money management, communication, and marriage preparation; and
- Skills relating to the prevention of family violence, only if the School’s middle, junior high, or high school does not have a family violence program.
At the discretion of the School, a teacher may modify the suggested sequence and pace of the program at any grade level.
Programs and Materials
The School may develop or adopt research-based programs and curriculum materials for use in conjunction with the program developed by the SBOE. The programs and curriculum materials may provide instruction in:
- Child development;
- Parenting skills, including child abuse and neglect prevention; and
- Assertiveness skills to prevent teenage pregnancy, abusive relationships, and family violence.
Parent Permission
A student under 14 years of age may not participate in the program without the permission of the student’s parent or person standing in parental relationship to the student.
Education Code 28.002(p); 19 TAC 74.35(a)
The School shall incorporate instruction in the dangers, causes, consequences, signs, symptoms, and treatment of binge drinking and alcohol poisoning into any course meeting a requirement for a health education credit.
The School shall choose an evidence-based alcohol awareness program to use in the School’s middle school, junior high school, and high school health curriculum from a list of programs approved by the Commissioner for this purpose.
“Evidence-based alcohol awareness program” means a program, practice, or strategy that has been proved to effectively prevent or delay alcohol use among students, as determined by evaluations that use valid and reliable measures and that are published in peer-reviewed journals.
Education Code 28.002(r); 19 TAC 74.35(b)
For all students who entered grade 7 in the 2010–11 school year and thereafter, TSBVI shall provide instruction to students in grades 7–12 in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The instruction may be provided as a part of any course. A student shall receive the instruction at least once before graduation from high school.
CPR instruction must include training that has been developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross or using nationally recognized, evidence-based guidelines for emergency cardiovascular care and incorporating psychomotor skills to support the instruction.
The School may use emergency medical technicians, paramedics, police officers, firefighters, representatives of the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, teachers, other school employees, or other similarly qualified individuals to provide instruction and training. Instruction is not required to result in CPR certification. If instruction is intended to result in certification, the course instructor must be authorized to provide the instruction by the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or a similar nationally recognized association; otherwise, an instructor is not required to be certified in CPR.
Waivers for Students with Disabilities
TSBVI may waive this requirement for a student who, due to a disability, is unable to complete the instruction. The determination regarding a student’s ability to complete the CPR requirement must be made by:
The student’s admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee if the student receives special education services under Education Code, Chapter 29, Subchapter A; or
The committee established for the student under Section 504, if the student does not receive special education services, but is covered by Section 504.
Education Code 28.0023 (c)–(e), (g); 19 TAC 74.38
TSBVI may accept from TEA donations the agency receives under Education Code 7.026 for use in providing instruction to students in the principles and techniques of CPR. The School may accept other donations, including donations of equipment, for use in providing CPR instruction. Education Code 29.903
For any student entering grade 9 in the 2018–19 school year and thereafter, a district shall provide instruction in one or more courses to students in grades 9–12 on proper interaction with peace officers during traffic stops and other in-person encounters. The required instruction may be provided as part of any course or courses and must be provided to each student at least once before graduation from high school.
The instruction must include all the information required by 19 Administrative Code 74.39(b). TSBVI shall use materials developed through a memorandum of understanding among the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, the State Board of Education, and the Texas Education Agency. The School may tailor the instruction developed under this section as appropriate for the district’s community. In tailoring the instruction, the School shall solicit input from local law enforcement agencies, driver training schools, and the community.
The School shall clearly indicate on the transcript or academic achievement record the year in which the instruction was provided to the student.
19 TAC 74.39; Education Code 28.012
Adopted: 3/7/80
Amended: 6/14/80, 11/13/81, 9/21/83, 10/25/85, 2/14/86, 1/26/90, 5/30/91, 1/29/93, 1/24/97, 11/19/99, 1/30/04, 9/22/06, 11/16/07, 1/25/13, 4/5/19, 8/6/21