Education Code 38.008
Anabolic steroids are for medical use only. State law prohibits the possession, dispensing, delivery, or administering of an anabolic steroid in any manner not allowed by state law. State law provides that body building, muscle enhancement, or the increase of muscle bulk or strength through the use of an anabolic steroid or human growth hormone by a person who is in good health is not a valid medical purpose. Only a medical doctor may prescribe an anabolic steroid or human growth hormone for a person. A violation of state law concerning anabolic steroids or human growth hormones is a criminal offense punishable by confinement in jail or imprisonment in the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Note: To be in compliance with Education Code 38.008, the notice regarding legal restrictions on steroids must be posted in a conspicuous location in the School gymnasium, and in each other place in a building where physical education classes are conducted for students in a grade level of seven or higher.
Adopted: 1/26/90
Amended: 11/14/97, 1/26/07
Reviewed: 5/25/05