Credit toward state graduation requirements may be granted for distance learning and correspondence courses only as follows:
- The institution offering the correspondence course is The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Tech University, or another public institution of higher education approved by the commissioner.
- Students may earn course credit through distance learning technologies, such as satellite, Internet, two-way videoconferencing, online courses, the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN), and instructional television.
- The distance learning courses must include the state-required essential knowledge and skills for such the course.
19 TAC 74.23
The TxVSN is a state-led initiative for online learning authorized by Education Code Chapter 30A. The TxVSN is a partnership network administered by TEA in coordination with regional education service centers (ESCs), Texas public school districts and charter schools, and institutions of higher education.
The TxVSN is comprised of two components—the online school (OLS) program and the statewide course catalog.
19 TAC 70.1001(4)
Online School (OLS) Program
“Online School (OLS) program” is a full-time, virtual instructional program that is made available through an approved provider district and is designed to serve students in grades 3–12 who are not physically present at school. 19 TAC 70.1001(7)
Unless a district chooses to participate in providing an electronic course or an electronic diagnostic assessment under Education Code Chapter 30A to a student who is located on the physical premises of a school district or open-enrollment charter school, Chapter 30A does not affect the provision of a course to such a student.
Requirements imposed by or under Education Code Chapter 30A do not apply to a virtual course provided by TSBVI only to TSBVI students if the course is not provided as part of the TxVSN.
Education Code 30A.004
Adopted: 1/28/05
Amended: 4/5/13, 9/20/13, 8/9/19