Board must ensure that procedures are implemented for identifying and providing appropriate, evidence-based instructional services to students for dyslexia and related disorders, in accordance with the State Board of Education’s approved strategies for screening, individualized evaluation and techniques for treating dyslexia and related orders. See TEA’s Dyslexia webpage: Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders (
Screening, Identification and Testing
Screening and other evaluations described in the Dyslexia Handbook should be done only by individuals who are trained in valid, evidence-based assessments to evaluate students for dyslexia and related disorders, and will include an LSSP and/or a certified diagnostician who is familiar with assessment considerations for blind and visually impaired students.
Before an identification or assessment procedure is used selectively with an individual student, local district shall notify the student’s parent or guardian or another person standing in parental relation to the student through the student’s ARD meeting.
A process for early identification, intervention, and support for students at risk for dyslexia and related disorders must be available, as outlined in the Dyslexia Handbook. TSBVI may not use early intervention strategies, including multi-tiered systems of support, to delay or deny provision of a full and individual evaluation to a student suspected of having a specific learning disability, including dyslexia.
The School shall provide each identified student access to instructional programs required at Reading Program below and to the services of a teacher trained in visual impairment and dyslexia and related disorders. A local ISD may, with the approval of each student’s parents or guardians, offer additional services at a centralized location, but centralized services shall not preclude each student from receiving services at his or her campus. 19 TAC 74.28(i)
Reading Program
TSBVI shall purchase a reading program or develop its own reading program that is aligned with the descriptors in the Dyslexia Handbook and consistent with recommendations for students with visual impairments.
Teachers who screen or treat these students must be trained in instructional strategies that use individualized, intensive, multisensory, phonetic methods and a variety of writing and spelling components described in the Dyslexia Handbook. The professional development activities specified by the ARD committee shall include these instructional strategies.
Unless otherwise provided by law, a student determined to have dyslexia during screening or testing or accommodated because of dyslexia, may not be rescreened or retested for dyslexia for the purpose of reassessing the student’s need for accommodations until the School reevaluates the information obtained from previous screening or testing of the student.
Compliance Monitoring
TSBVI will be subject to monitoring for compliance with federal law and regulations in connection with 19 Administrative Code 74.28 and be subject to auditing and monitoring for compliance with state dyslexia laws in accordance with administrative rules issued by the commissioner of education as required by Education Code 38.003(c-1). 19 TAC 74.28(n)
Notice to Parents
The local school district shall inform parents and guardians of students eligible under Section 504 [see FB] of all services and options available to the student under the law. 29 U.S.C. Section 794; Education Code 26.004(a); 26.0081
Parent Education
TSBVI will provide a parent education program for parents and guardians of students with dyslexia and related disorders, with an emphasis on how their child’s visual impairment impacts their child’s dyslexia. This program will include awareness of characteristics of dyslexia and related disorders; information on testing and diagnosis of dyslexia; information on effective strategies for teaching dyslexic students who also have a visual impairment; and awareness of information on modifications, especially modifications allowed on standardized testing. TSBVI will share information regarding testing accommodations for dyslexic and/or blind and visually impaired students.
Education Code 38.003; 19 TAC 74.28
Audiobook Program Notification
TSBVI must notify each parent of a child with dyslexia or related disorder of the program available from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for borrowing audiobooks free of charge. The notification must be done as directed by the commissioner of education. Education Code 28.006(g-2)
Adopted: 7/12/85
Amended: 9/27/90, 5/24/96, 1/24/97, 1/24/02, 11/9/12, 11/15/18, 8/7/20