Administrators and other certified professionals shall be appraised in the performance of their job duties annually, or at more frequent intervals. Education Code 21.203(a)
All administrators shall be appraised annually using the local criteria and procedures.
Education Code 21.3541(f)(2),(g); 19 TAC 150.1026
A document evaluating the performance of a teacher or administrator is confidential and is not subject to disclosure under the Public Information Act, Government Code 552. Education Code 21.355 [For evaluation disclosure requirements, See GBA]
The information in the annual report describing the educational performance of the School (see BQA) shall be a primary consideration of the Superintendent in evaluating the Comprehensive Programs Principal. In addition, the appraisal of the Comprehensive Programs Principal shall include consideration of the School’s performance indicators and the objectives of Comprehensive Programs, including performance gains and the maintenance of those gains.
Education Code 21.3541(f)(2),(g); 19 TAC 150.1026
Notice to ESC
The Superintendent shall notify the executive director of ESC 13 in writing of the school’s choice of appraisal system when using an alternative to the commissioner’s recommended appraisal system and detail the components of that system by the first day of instruction for the school year in which the alternative system is used.
TSBVI shall submit annually to ESC 13 a summary of the evaluation scores from the locally adopted appraisal system.
19 TAC 150.1027
Appraisal Instrument and Process
TSBVI shall involve appropriate administrators and schoolwide committee in developing, selecting, or revising the appraisal instruments and process.
Before conducting appraisals, an appraiser shall provide evidence of training in appropriate personnel evaluation skills related to the locally established criteria and process.
The School may also implement a process for collecting staff input for evaluating administrators. If the School implements such a process, the input must not be anonymous.
The appraisal of the Principal shall include a student performance domain. The School shall use the student performance domain developed in consultation with the schoolwide committee and adopted by the Board for the Principal.
Education Code 21.3541; 19 TAC 150.1026,.1027
Note: The standards, indicators, knowledge, and skills to be used to align with the training, appraisal, and professional development of principals are outlined in 19 Administrative Code 149.2001.
Appraisals of Campus Administrators Other Than Principals
TSBVI shall appraise each campus administrator, other than a principal, annually using an appraisal process and performance criteria developed by TSBVI in consultation with the schoolwide committee and adopted by the Board.
The domains and descriptors used to evaluate each administrator may include the following:
- Instructional management.
- School or organization morale.
- School or organization improvement.
- Personnel management.
- Management of administrative, fiscal, and facilities functions.
- Student management.
- School or community relations.
- Professional growth and development.
- Academic excellence indicators and campus performance objectives.
In developing appraisal instruments, the School shall use the current job description, as applicable.
19 TAC 150.1028
The School shall use the job description and evaluation form developed by the commissioner of education to evaluate school counselors. Education Code 21.356
Adopted: 1/13/81
Amended: 9/9/83, 5/30/86, 9/15/88, 3/22/91, 5/26/94, 11/18/94, 1/26/96, 9/26/97, 5/25/00, 3/21/03, 5/25/05, 1/25/19, 1/31/20