
CB (TSBVI) – State and Federal Revenue Sources


The Superintendent shall be authorized to:

  1. Apply, on behalf of the Board, for any and all federal and state grants and awards as deemed appropriate for TSBVI’s operations;
  2. Approve commitment of School funds for matching, cost sharing, cooperative, or jointly funded projects up to the amounts specifically allowed under the TSBVI budget approved by the Board; and
  3. Approve grant and award amendments as necessary.

TSBVI shall comply with all requirements for state and federal grants and awards imposed by law, the awarding agency, or an applicable pass-through entity. The Superintendent shall develop and enforce financial management systems, internal control procedures, procurement procedures, and other administrative procedures as needed to provide reasonable assurance that the School is complying with requirements for state and federal grants and awards.

[See Policy CBB]


Conflict of Interest

Each employee, Board member, or agent of TSBVI who is engaged in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by a federal grant or award and who has a potential conflict of interest as defined at Code of Federal Regulations, title 2, section 200.318, shall disclose to the School, in writing, any conflict that meets the disclosure threshold in Chapter 572 of the Government Code [See Policy CBB]

In addition, each employee, Board member, or agent of the School shall comply with any other conflict of interest requirements imposed by the granting agency or a pass-through entity.

For purposes of this policy “immediate family member” shall have the same meaning as “family members” as described in Chapter 176 of the Government Code. [See Policy BBFA]

For purposes of this policy, “partner” shall have the same meaning as defined in Business Organizations Code Chapter 1, Subchapter A.

An employee, Board member, or agent of the School who is required to disclose a conflict in accordance with the provisions above shall not participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by a federal grant or award.

Gifts and Gratuities

Employees, Board members, and agents of TSBVI shall not solicit any gratuities, favors, or items from a contractor or a party to a subcontract for a federal grant or award and shall not accept:

  1. Any single item with a value at or above $50; or
  2. Items from a single contractor or subcontractor that have an aggregate monetary value exceeding $100 in a 12-month period.

[See Policies BBFABBFBCBBDBD. In the event of a violation of these requirements, see Policy DH]

Adopted:    11/16/18

