Note: The following is an index of periodic reports but the list is not exhaustive. This list does not address responsive reports (those that are required in response to a specific incident), reports required under special circumstances, or all reports required under administrative procedures of TSBVI.
Notwithstanding any other law, TSBVI shall submit only in electronic format all reports required to be submitted to TEA under the Education Code. Education Code 7.060(c)
TSBVI publication and distribution requirements follow:
[From Superintendent’s Office]
- Annually, by December 1st a report to the Board, local school districts, the Education Service Center, and the public describing the educational performance of TSBVI. [See Policy AIB]
- An end-of-year financial report, for distribution to state agencies and offices under Gov’t Code 2101.011. [See Policy BAA and CFA]
- By September 1 of each year, a report to TEA regarding the number of requests submitted by a member of the Board, during the preceding school year, for information, documents, and records and the total cost to the School responding to such requests, under Education Code 11.1512(c)-(f). [See Policy BBE]
- The Board President shall announce at the last board meeting of the calendar year the name of each board member who has completed, exceeded, or is deficient in the required training as of the date of the meeting and those board minutes shall be posted to the TSBVI website. [See Policy BBD]
[From Assessment & English as Second Language Coordinator]
- A written report to each parent of student performance on statewide assessments at the end of the school year, under Education Code 39.303. [See Policy AIB]
- At the beginning of the school year, a report to each teacher of students who took a state assessment, indicating whether each student performed satisfactorily or, if the student did not perform satisfactorily, whether the student met the standard for annual improvement in certain subject areas when available, under Education Code 39.304. [See Policy AIB]
- Before November 1 of each year, the Board shall report to TEA the number of English Learners (EL) students on campus, under Education Code 29.053(b) [See Policy EHBE]
- When applicable, the Superintendent shall report the results of reading instruments to the commissioner of education and the Board; a student’s results, in writing, to the student’s parent or guardian; and each student’s raw score electronically to TEA, under Education Code 28.006(d). [See Policy EKC]
[From Business/Support Services]
- The annual financial report not later than November 20 of each year to the Governor, the Texas Comptroller, the Legislative Reference Library, the State Auditor and the Legislative Budget Board, under Government Code 2101.011(b). [See Policy CFA]
- Biennially and not later than December 1, the TSBVI budget shall be submitted to the Governor’s Office, the Legislative Budget Board and the Legislative Reference Library pursuant to the General Appropriations Act, Art. IX, Sec. 7.01(a)(1). [See Policy CE]
- At least semiannually report to the Board the revenues and expenditures for the preceding fiscal year. [See Policy CFA]
- At least once every three years, TSBVI shall conduct a safety and security audit of the School’s facilities and report the results of the safety and security audit to the Texas School Safety Center, under Education Code 37.108. [See Policy CK]
- Provide the Texas Comptroller with monthly electronic fleet data updates to the Office of Vehicle Fleet Services under Government Code 2171. [See Policy CNC]
- Annually in July, TSBVI shall report to TEA the number of accidents in which its buses were involved in the past year, under Education Code 34.015(b). [See Policy CNC]
- Every three months, and in strict compliance with the time frames established by Railroad Commission rule, on behalf of TSBVI, TFC shall report to TSBVI’s natural gas supplier the results of a pressure test of natural gas piping systems in the school facility, under Utilities Code 121.502-.504. [See Policy CS]
- Quarterly reports from the Investment Officer of transactions for all funds covered by the Public Funds Investment Act. [See Policy CDA]
[From Human Resources Director]
- Quarterly (9/1, 12/1, 3/1, 6/1) SORM reports to Chubb (Bordereau Reports).
- Annually report to the Board on complaints of discrimination or harassment. [See Policy DAA]
[From Principal of Comprehensive Programs]
- Annually report to the State Board of Education the instructional materials selected under Education Code 31.101,.035. [See Policy EFA]
- Annually report to the Board recommendations from SHAC. [See Policy BDF]
- TSBVI shall compile the results of the annual physical fitness assessment of students and provide summary results to TEA, under Education Code 38.103. [See Policy FFAA]
[From Health Center Director]
- On or before June 30 of each year, TSBVI shall submit to the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) a report on the vision and hearing screening status of students who were screened during the reporting year, under Health and Safety Code 36.006 and 25 Administrative Code 37.26(b)(6). [See Policy FFAA]
- On or before June 30 of each year, TSBVI shall submit to TDSHS a report of spinal screenings performed during the school year, under 25 Administrative Code 37.145(b)(5). [See FFAA]
- TSBVI annually reports to the University of Texas—Rio Grande Valley Border Health Office on its students’ risk assessment status for Type 2 diabetes, under Health and Safety Code 95.004(e). [See Policy FFAA]
- Annually, TSBVI shall submit a report of the immunization status of students to TDSHS, under Education Code 38.002(c) and 25 Administrative Code 97.71. [See Policy FFAB]
[From PEIMS Coordinator/Center for School Resources Director]
- Annually, TSBVI shall report to TEA the number of students, if any, who have participated in a program to earn college credit in high school and the courses in which participating students have earned credit, under Education Code 28.009. [See EHDD]
- TSBVI shall use the student attendance accounting standards established by the commissioner to make reports on student attendance and student participation in special programs, under 19 Administrative Code 129.1025. [See Policy FEB]
- Annually, TSBVI shall report to the commissioner information regarding each expulsion, under Education Code 37.020. [See Policy FO]
- Report to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services by September 1 of each year on the incidence of student abuse, neglect, and exploitation occurring at TSBVI. Required report includes the number of investigations completed, findings of these investigations, average number of days to complete investigations, number of investigations referred to law enforcement, number of disciplinary actions resulting from confirmed findings, number of deaths that occurred as a result of abuse or neglect, and number of appeals. [See Policy FFG]
[From Internal Auditor]
- Before November 1st of each year, the internal audit annual report shall be submitted to the TSBVI Board and, a copy of the annual audit report shall be filed with the State Auditor, the Sunset Advisory Commission, the Governor’s Office and the Legislative Budget Board, under Government Code 2102.009. [See Policy CFC]
- Each periodic audit report submitted to TSBVI’s Board by the internal auditor shall be filed not later than the 30th day afterward with the Sunset Advisory Commission, the Governor’s Office, the State Auditor and the Legislative Budget Board. Any action plan or response by the Board or Superintendent must be filed with the Governor’s Office, the State Auditor and the Legislative Budget Board under Government Code 2102.0091. [See Policy CFCA]
Adopted: 5/20/99
Amended: 1/25/19, 8/6/21
Reviewed: 3/21/03, 11/19/04, 1/25/08