
BJA (TSBVI) Superintendent: Qualifications and Duties


The Superintendent of the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) shall hold an advanced degree; have training and experience in the education of students with visual impairments and in the administration of a program serving students with visual impairments; and satisfy any other requirements established by the Board of Trustees. Education Code 30.023(b)


The Superintendent is supervised by the TSBVI Board of Trustees.


The Superintendent directly supervises principals, the Director of Business and Operations, Director of Information Resources, Director of Human Resources, Director of the Center for School Resources, Outreach Director, Legal Counsel, Director of Planning and Evaluation, Curriculum Director, Community Resources Director, Executive Assistant and indirectly supervises all staff.


The Superintendent is the educational leader and chief executive and administrative officer of the School.

Education Code 11.201(a), 30.022(d)

While the Superintendent may delegate responsibilities for the operation of the various segments of the school system, (s)he is responsible for coordinating the total program of the School involving its business affairs, instructional program, and residential programs as well as all related services and support functions.

The primary responsibility of the Superintendent of TSBVI is the administration of on-campus and off-campus programs that serve Texas students with a visual impairment, their parents, and professionals who serve them.

The duties of the Superintendent include:

1. Taking any necessary and appropriate daily action to carry out the functions and purposes of the School according to any general policies the Board prescribes. Education Code 11.1512 (a), 30.023(e)
2. Reporting at least once each quarter to the Board concerning the Superintendent’s activities, progress in implementing any general policy prescribed by the Board, any exceptional matter relating to the program, general statistical summaries of services provided by the School during the period covered by the report, budget matters of major consequence or concern, and any additional matter the Board requests to be specifically included in the report. Education Code 30.023(f)
3. Recommending policies to the Board for its deliberation and develops administrative principles and procedures for placing Board policy into effect.
4. Preparing the Board agenda in consultation with the President; attends all meetings of the Board and is responsible for all record keeping for the Board.
5. Providing joint leadership with the Board to insure that the responsibilities of the Board and Superintendents team are carried out.


6. Ensuring that the School takes a leadership role in state and national efforts toward the improvement of educational programs for students with visual impairments.
7. Leading in the development of long range plans and other activities related to the establishment of goals and objectives in support of the School’s mission.
8. Coordinating all efforts to promote a program of instruction which supports the philosophy and goals of the School, including consultations with the Instructional Planning Council (IPG). [See BQA]
9. Directing the development of curricula for each area of the educational program through a system that encourages a broad base of participation.
10. Directing, with the principals, innovative residential programming which fosters the development of independent living and leisure skills of students.
11. Ensuring that parents are kept informed of the activities and progress of their children and determines when special reports should be made.
12. Promoting opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities on and off campus.


13. Ensuring submittal of all reports required by the State of Texas, the Texas Education Agency, and federal agencies including an annual performance report describing the School’s educational performance.
14. Ensuring that the School’s programs and practices are in compliance with federal and state laws and rules applicable to the School, including adoption of a Student Code of Conduct [See FO] and enforcement of that Code; and adoption and enforcement of other student disciplinary rules and procedures.
15. Providing leadership for the attainment and if necessary, improvement of student performance at TSBVI based on the state’s student achievement and quality of learning indicators, including Performance Indicator Evaluations, established by TEA in the Memorandum of Understanding with TSBVI for accreditation and other performance indicators required by the Legislative Budget Board.
16. Signing and administering grants, contracts, and agreements involving the School in accordance with Board policy.
17. Maintaining, updating, and distributing of administrative policies and procedural manuals and materials.


18. Establishing and maintaining a systematic process of accounting for services and finances in order to assure effectiveness in using resources to achieve School objectives.
19. As chief executive officer, is responsible for preparation of a proposed annual budget and biennial requests for Board approval; defends these budgets when necessary and approves all expenditures.
20. Directing efforts to secure funding from non-legislative sources.


21. Establishing and following sound practices for human resources management, including the employment of classified personnel, recommendations to the Board for the employment of contract personnel, compensation, contract administration, discipline, performance appraisal, termination or nonrenewal, and staff development. [See DF, DK, and DP series]
22. Establishing a system of community relations that ensures high visibility for the School, its programs and objectives.
23. Planning and directing the School health program and keeping, or causing to be kept, necessary health records.
24. Appointing admissions officer, custodian of student records, textbook custodian and textbook committee, and other committees as needed and/or required.
25. Overseeing the inventory of property belonging to the School, as required.
26. In cooperation with the Texas Facilities Commission, ensuring physical facilities (buildings, grounds, equipment) that are safe, accessible, and appropriate for the students and staff and necessary for the achievement of program objectives.
27. Approving all reports and other publications concerning the School before they are published; approves other public relations activities.
28. Performing other duties as may be requested or determined by the Board.


The Board and the Superintendent shall work together to:

1. Advocate for the high achievement of students;
2. Create and support connections with community organizations to provide community-wide support for the high achievement of students;
3. Provide educational leadership for the School, including leadership in developing the School’s vision statement and long-range educational plan [see AE];
4. Establish school-wide policies and annual goals that are tied directly to the School’s vision statement and long-range educational plan;
5. Support the professional development of principals, teachers, and other staff; and
6. Periodically evaluate board and superintendent leadership, governance, and teamwork.
Education Code 11.1512(b)

Prohibited Interference

The Superintendent may not interfere with an appearance or testimony of specified School personnel required by the Board.

Education Code 11.1511 (d) [See BAA]

Adopted:         6/14/80

Amended:       7/12/85, 11/12/87, 11/22/91, 1/29/93, 11/19/93, 11/18/94, 1/26/96, 5/24/96, 11/6/98, 11/22/02, 11/19/04, 4/3/09, 1/23/15, 6/1/18
