Any person in attendance at a TSBVI Board meeting may record the open portion of a meeting by means of a tape recorder, video camera, or other means of aural or visual reproduction.
The Board may adopt reasonable rules to maintain order at its meetings, in accordance with Texas Government Code 551.023.
The Board encourages the press, the broadcast media, and all interested individuals to attend Board meetings and to record all or any part of the open proceedings. To this end, the School and its staff shall seek to facilitate all reasonable requests relating to recording activities. In accomplishing these goals, the Board does not intend to prevent or unreasonably impair recording; however, persons using any means of aural or visual reproduction must abide by the following rules at all Board meetings:
- All equipment that requires setting up must be assembled at least 15 minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start.
- No strobes, flash lighting, or other bright lights that would impair the conduct of the meeting may be used, unless approval has been obtained from the Board President or the Superintendent before the meeting.
- The Board proceedings shall not be interrupted for the purpose of accommodating any individual’s audio or video recording. Any interviews during meetings shall be conducted outside of the meeting chamber.
- The presiding officer at the meeting may stop the aural or visual reproduction if the person operating the equipment or the equipment itself is disrupting or in any way interfering with the orderly conduct of the Board meeting or blocking aisles or other means of entrance or exit from the Board room.
- Stationary equipment that requires setup will not be taken down during the course of the meeting, but may be removed during a recess or after the meeting is over.
- No recording equipment will be allowed in a closed meeting, except as provided in Government Code 551.103, or otherwise authorized but the Board.
Adopted: 1/29/93
Amended: 3/25/94, 9/29/17
Reviewed: 11/15/96, 1/24/02