The board secretary may or may not be a Board member selected by the Board, and is charged with the following duties:
- Reviewing the minutes of board meetings from the Recording Secretary.
- Signing the minutes, verifying that the minutes are a true and accurate summary of the discussion and actions taken by the Board.
The recording secretary shall be selected by the Superintendent. The Recording Secretary is charged with:
- Taking, recording and maintaining minutes of all meetings,
- Providing Board meeting agendas and related materials to Board members in advance of scheduled Board meetings,
- Preparing and posting notices of all proposed meetings, and
- Handling necessary correspondence with Board members.
In the absence of the designated recording secretary, an alternate staff secretary shall be selected by the Superintendent.
Adopted: 3/7/80
Amended: 11/13/92, 1/31/14
Reviewed: 11/14/97, 1/24/02
Deleted: 9/30/22