
BA (TSBVI) – School Board Legal Status

The education codes that outline the legal status of the TSBVI school board.

The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired is governed by a nine-member board appointed by the governor in accordance with this section and confirmed by the senate.

Education Code 30.022(a) 

The Board has exclusive jurisdiction over the physical assets of the School.

Education Code 30.022(h)

The Board shall organize and conduct itself in the same manner as an independent school district board of trustees except to the extent that such organization does not conflict with the Board’s responsibilities related to the status of the School as a state agency.

Education Code 30.022(d) 

Adopted:         11/9/79

Amended:       5/8/81, 11/15/96, 11/16/07

Reviewed:       11/13/92, 1/24/02, 11/21/03, 1/31/14, 2/18/22