
DED (TSBVI) Holidays


Except for contract and substitute employees, TSBVI employees shall earn a day off from work on each national and state holiday.

(See list of State, National and Optional Holidays, below)

In order to earn the day off from work on a national or state holiday, the employee must be at work or on paid leave on the workday before and after the state or national holiday, unless the holiday falls on the employee’s first or last workday of the month.  Texas Gov’t. Code 662.010


A TSBVI employee employed under a contract under Texas Education Code 30.024(b) is not entitled to a paid day off from work on any national, or state, holiday.  Education Code 30.024(b) (3)


An employee working as a substitute for another employee is not entitled to paid holidays, or compensatory time off for holidays worked.  Education Code 30.024(f)


The days of the year employees are required to work vary by position and department.  The days on which an employee is required to work, and those days on which an employee is not permitted to work, will be determined by the Department Heads with the approval of the Superintendent.  Each supervisor is responsible for informing each employee, at the time the employee is hired, of those days of the year the employee is required to work, and those days the employee is not permitted to work.  The employee will be given notification in advance when the days an employee is required, or not permitted to work, change.

Because TSBVI is a school, some of the state and national holidays observed by other agencies by closing the agency and allowing the employees holiday time, or requiring only a minimum number of employees working, will not be observed by TSBVI. TSBVI will remain open on some of these state and national holidays, and some, or all, employees may be required to work.


Employees who are required to work on days designated by the state as national, or state, holidays are entitled to compensatory time during the twelve months following the holiday worked.  Government Code 662.007

The employee must request approval in advance to use earned holiday time.


A TSBVI employee may observe state optional holidays by notifying the employee’s administrator in advance of the intention to observe the holiday. The employee is required to use holiday leave, vacation leave, or compensatory time or, if the employee does not have any applicable accrued leave, to take leave without pay to observe an optional holiday.

(See list of Optional Holidays, below).


For many non-contract employees, the total number of days the employee is not required or permitted to work in the calendar year may exceed the number of national and state holidays and vacation leave days the employee will accrue during a year.

An employee is required to use applicable paid leave (holiday, vacation, compensatory, sick leave) or leave without pay for each required work day the employee does not work and for each day the employee is not permitted to work.


Depending upon the School calendar, these holidays may be observed.  However, because TSBVI’s calendar is based on the school year, some state holidays will fall on days when students are present at TSBVI and employees are required to work.  Full and part-time classified employees earn holiday comp time for these days worked (not considered overtime or time and one-half.)

The State of Texas recognizes the following holidays:

Holiday – Type: National (N), State (S), Optional (O)

Labor Day – N
Rosh Hashanah (2 days) – O
Yom Kippur – O
Veterans’ Day – N
Thanksgiving Day – N
Day after Thanksgiving – S
Christmas Eve Day – S
Christmas Day – N
Day after Christmas – New Year’s Day – N
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – N
Confederate Heroes Day – S
Washington’s Birthday – N
Texas Independence Day – S
Good Friday – O
San Jacinto Day – S
Memorial Day – N
Emancipation Day – S
Independence Day – N
LBJ’s Birthday – S

Gov’t Code 662.001, 662.003

Adopted:         11/9/79

Amended:       1/14/83, 3/25/94, 8/1/97, 3/26/02, 9/12/03, 6/1/18
