
Accounting Department

TSBVI Accounting Department is responsible for the schools Payroll, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Travel, General Ledger and the Cashier Office.

Accounting Department

The Accounting Department for the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired is responsible for payroll, travel, cashier’s office as well as all agency accounting and reporting functions.

You may request a fiscal year 9/1/xxx-8/31/xxxx TSBVI W-9 or our Tax Exemption form by using the request form at the bottom of this page.

Contact Information

Christina Hoke
Accounting Director
(512) 206-9489
[email protected]

Organization Contacts

Cashier Office
(512) 206-9215
[email protected]

(512) 206-9390
[email protected]

(512) 206-9212
[email protected]

Accounts Payable
(512) 206-9306
[email protected]

Request For Current FY W9 and Tax Exemption Form

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

A pair of hands using braille to read
Wildcat Mascot icon

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