Our School
Summary of programs and services offered to students by TSBVI including the Superintendent welcome and 100th-anniversary videos.
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) has an array of programs that serve on average 11,000 students who are blind, visually impaired, or deafblind throughout Texas. We work in partnership with schools, families, communities, and organizations. Our goal is to transform educational outcomes for students ages birth to 22. In some cases, we serve as a special public school for students ages 6 through 22 on the TSBVI campus. We also provide support in the form of online courses, consultations, publications, and in-person training throughout Texas, addressing the needs of students that may never travel to Austin. Family education and engagement are at the heart of what we do.
TSBVI serves eight main functions, loosely overlapping with its organizational structure:
- a year-long comprehensive school experience, with students living on-campus during the August to May school year, and programming developed in partnership with their local district
- a short-term supplemental experience for students who are working at or near grade-level in their local school district, who come to TSBVI for three to five days during the regular school year to receive intensive instruction in the Expanded Core Curriculum
- a summer school, offering a variety of enrichment programs for students with visual impairment of all ability levels
- a provider of post-secondary education, career counseling, and other transitional services for students as they prepare for adult life
- a consultation provider for families and school districts across the entire state of Texas
- a mentorship, training, and continuing education facility for professionals working in the fields of visual impairment, orientation and mobility, and the education of students who are deafblind
- a registration and census service for children and young adults who are blind, visually impaired, or deafblind
- a resource and knowledge provider about visual impairment and deafblind education, especially as it applies to the infant to 22-year-old age range
Though TSBVI is a school, it is not what one might think of as a boarding school. TSBVI has a unique identity as both a state agency and a school district and is widely regarded as one of the premier organizations of its type in the world.
100th Anniversary Commemorative Videos
Description: A brief video commemorating 100 years at TSBVI’s permanent location in north Austin with all the exciting changes that have taken place over the years; interviews with alumni, current and former staff, and footage from the 1920s to 2017.