
Student Data Program

Each year, TSBVI makes two counts on behalf of the Texas Education Agency related to students with visual impairments and who are deafblind in Texas. These are known as the Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment and the Texas Deafblind Child Count.

The student Data Program plays an important role for students with visual impairments and who are deafblind in Texas. In January each year, two important counts are made on behalf of the Texas Education Agency related to these students by TSBVI. These are known respectively as the Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment and the Texas Deafblind Child Count.

Information is gathered about every student in Texas identified as having a visual impairment or who is deafblind who is enrolled in a public, private, or charter school on the first Monday of January each year. The kind of information that is gathered includes information about the degree and cause of the visual impairment, age of the child, location of the school, and type of program where the child or student receives their education whether or not the child uses braille or large print and other information.

This student information is completely confidential. However, summary demographic data is used for long-term planning and identifying trends and issues for students with visual impairment and who are deafblind at Texas Education Agency, the twenty Education Service Centers, Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Blind Children’s Program, Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECI), Texas Education Agency and Outreach Programs. Other agencies and organizations may request specific information to help them advocate for services for individuals with visual impairment and who are deafblind at all age levels.

Additionally, the number of students counted each year on the VI Registration generates funds based on the number of students who are legally blind. These funds are used to purchase materials from the American Printing House for the Blind for local districts through the APH Materials Loan Program.

Student Data Quick Links

Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairments & 504 Summary

Texas Deafblind Child Count

Registration of Students in TX with Visual Impairment & 504 Summary

2024 Statewide VI SPED Results

NOTE:  “Braille Instruction” indicates the number of students receiving braille instruction in each region.  The question pertaining to braille instruction is asked if and when braille is not listed as a primary or secondary reading medium for a student.  “Total Braille” is the combined number of primary reading medium, secondary reading medium and students receiving instruction in each region.

“Not Legal Blind Meets IDEA Def.” indicates the number of students whose Level of Vision is recorded as NLB but are noted as meeting the following IDEA definition.

IDEA Definition: “Visual impairment including blindness means an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.” (34 CFR§300.8(c)(13))

2024 Statewide VI SPED Results
1 559 38 11 52 496 19 8 34 61 340 7 45 150 55 100 320 232 148 529 509 299
2 169 19 12 20 137 6 3 9 18 108 4 12 29 24 19 90 72 38 152 144 90
3 112 15 8 15 89 4 2 9 15 50 1 5 25 31 22 59 52 23 103 108 68
4 1,667 189 40 166 1,461 60 19 69 148 851 14 83 340 329 344 924 698 413 1,475 1,439 846
5 124 10 1 13 110 5 2 7 14 64 0 4 39 27 24 70 54 34 114 71 22
6 391 36 18 39 334 17 1 4 22 228 2 17 150 55 74 205 185 106 315 361 283
7 456 46 13 42 401 10 14 13 37 238 7 26 131 87 95 204 251 113 406 395 276
8 81 7 1 7 73 2 0 3 5 43 1 2 3 11 23 45 33 22 55 47 49
9 164 9 1 19 144 3 1 4 8 109 0 0 55 27 25 51 110 43 138 163 21
10 1,121 139 41 100 980 51 20 60 131 573 12 31 312 190 276 610 498 288 943 963 534
11 819 108 32 83 704 39 12 57 108 454 12 22 217 119 185 444 364 211 717 714 416
12 324 22 12 34 278 5 4 13 22 152 3 10 59 97 60 182 132 88 225 283 191
13 648 61 28 81 539 23 10 26 59 309 8 32 147 129 155 466 180 115 570 545 423
14 137 9 2 17 118 6 1 2 9 88 2 5 41 23 15 55 77 47 116 133 39
15 153 10 5 11 104 3 0 7 10 67 3 11 36 16 23 64 55 31 82 113 38
16 152 10 2 15 135 3 1 5 9 92 5 16 70 22 19 71 57 40 140 144 45
17 186 6 12 19 155 10 1 9 20 99 1 4 31 34 39 92 93 50 129 182 43
18 120 10 5 11 104 3 0 7 10 67 3 11 36 16 23 64 55 31 82 113 38
19 248 18 13 13 222 6 0 10 16 104 2 26 40 39 73 134 104 47 234 215 90
20 767 77 44 60 663 27 6 28 61 352 3 30 189 186 172 481 285 164 588 725 413
TSBVI 126 18 0 1 125 35 22 10 67 38 4 22 56 6 25 126 0 32 126 124 123
TSD 16 16 0 0 16 0 2 0 2 16 0 0 1 0 0 5 11 0 16 14 13
TOTAL 8,540 873 301 827 7,412 337 129 381 847 4,473 91 406 2,169 1,527 1,797 4,752 3,638 2,092 7,279 7,540 4,375
TOTAL % 10.22% 3.52% 9.68% 86.79% 3.95% 1.51% 4.46% 9.92% 52.38% 1.07% 4.75% 25.40% 17.88% 21.04% 55.64% 42.60% 24.50% 85.23% 88.29% 51.23%

2024 Statewide VI 504 Results

NOTE:  “Braille Instruction” indicates the number of students receiving braille instruction in each region.  The question pertaining to braille instruction is asked if and when braille is not listed as a primary or secondary reading medium for a student.  “Total Braille” is the combined number of primary reading medium, secondary reading medium and students receiving instruction in each region.

“Not Legal Blind Meets IDEA Def.” indicates the number of students whose Level of Vision is recorded as NLB but are noted as meeting the following IDEA definition.

IDEA Definition: “Visual impairment including blindness means an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.” (34 CFR§300.8(c)(13))

2024 Statewide VI 504 Results
1 101 0 0 101 0 0 0 0 101 0 0 21 0 0 23 41 19 1 0
2 37 0 1 36 0 0 1 1 37 0 0 2 0 0 13 12 3 2 1
3 31 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 5 0 0 2 8 9 1 0
4 469 0 11 458 0 0 0 0 462 1 6 30 0 1 54 263 116 6 0
5 17 0 1 16 0 0 1 1 15 0 0 6 0 2 1 15 11 2 0
6 124 0 2 122 0 0 0 0 122 0 0 28 2 0 1 72 13 5 0
7 88 0 0 88 0 0 1 1 88 0 0 26 0 0 0 42 0 4 0
8 16 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 4 0 0 1 10 1 0 0
9 16 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 15 1 1 6 0 0 3 9 4 2 0
10 504 1 5 498 0 2 1 3 498 0 5 65 1 0 21 274 44 3 1
11 206 0 0 206 0 0 0 0 206 0 0 20 0 0 10 116 55 8 0
12 97 0 1 96 2 0 1 3 95 0 0 9 0 0 9 41 3 2 0
13 259 1 1 257 0 1 1 2 259 0 0 27 0 0 9 139 22 5 0
14 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 3 0 0
15 13 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 3 1 0 1 4 0 0 0
16 22 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 3 0 0 2 17 3 2 0
17 37 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 37 0 0 7 0 0 0 16 13 3 0
18 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 2 1 0
19 57 0 1 56 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 6 0 0 11 15 2 2 0
20 278 0 0 278 0 0 0 0 278 0 0 38 0 0 24 121 53 2 0
TSBVI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TSD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 2,390 2 23 2,365 2 3 6 11 2,369 2 12 311 4 3 188 1,219 385 51 2
TOTAL % 0.08% 0.96% 98.95% 0.08% 0.13% 0.25% 0.46% 99.12% 0.088% 0.50% 13.01% 0.17% 0.13% 7.87% 51.00% 16.11% 2.13% 0.088%

VI Registration & 504 Count Totals

VI Registration & 504 Count Totals
Counts # of Students % of Students
VI Registration 8,540 78.13%
504 Count 2,390 21.87%

Selected Age Groups

Selected Age Groups
Age Groups 504 # 504 % VIR # VIR %
Age 0 - 2 Years 2 0.08% 301 3.52%
Age 3 - 5 Years 23 0.96% 827 9.68%
Age 6 - 22+ Years 2,403 98.95% 7,412 86.79%
COMBINED TOTAL: 2,390 8,540

Ethnicity & Race

Ethnicity 504 # 504 % VIR # VIR %
Hispanic or Latino 901 37.70% 3,769 44.13%
Not Hispanic or Latino 1,489 62.30% 4,771 55.877%
COMBINED TOTAL: 2,390 8,540
Race 504 # 504 % VIR # VIR %
American Indian or Alaskan Native 53 2.22% 156 1.83%
Asian 88 3.68% 374 4.38%
Black or African American 241 10.08% 1,248 14.61%
Hispanic or Latino 311 13.01% 2,197 25.73%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 7 0.29% 33 0.39%
Two or More Races 62 2.59% 248 2.90%
Unknown 13 0.54% 35 0.41%
White 1,615 67.57% 4,249 49.75%
COMBINED TOTAL: 2,390 8,540

Level of Vision

Level of Vision
Level of Vision 504 # 504 % VIR # VIR %
MDB - Meets Definition of Blindness 114 4.77% 3,197 37.44%
FDB - Meets Functional Definition of Blindness 74 3.10% 1,555 18.21%
NLB - Not Legally Blind (Meets IDEA Def.) 1,219 51.00% 3,638 42.60%
NLB - Not Legally Blind (Does NOT Meet IDEA Def.) 983 41.13% 1500 1.76%
TOTAL 2,390 8,540

Reading Medium

Reading Medium for VI SPED Count
Reading Medium for VI SPED Count Visual Auditory Braille Pre-Reader Symbolic Communicator
Primary Reading Medium # 4,473 406 337 1,527 1,797
Secondary Reading Medium # 91 2,169 129 NA NA
Braille Instruction NA NA 381 NA NA
TOTAL 4,564 2,575 847 1,527 1,707
PERCENTAGE 53.39% 30.15% 9.92% 17.88% 21.04%
Reading Medium for VI 504 Count
Reading Medium for VI 504 Count Visual Auditory Braille Pre-Reader Symbolic Communicator
Primary Reading Medium # 2,369 12 2 4 3
Secondary Reading Medium # 2 311 3 NA NA
Braille Instruction NA NA 6 NA NA
TOTAL 2,371 323 11 4 3
PERCENTAGE 99.21% 13.51% 0.46 0.17% 0.13%

Disability Conditions

Disability Conditions
Disability Conditions Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Total
Visual Impairment 3,831 2,570 1,091 243 7,735
Other Health Impaired 1,685 919 344 202 3,150
Intellectual Disabilities 1,253 616 305 120 2,294
Deafblind 473 145 39 15 672
Autism 328 165 45 24 562
Orthopedic Impairment 248 316 219 199 982
Traumatic Brain Injury 209 25 7 6 247
Specific Learning Disability 116 146 36 4 302
Non-Categorical Early Childhood 93 7 3 1 104
Speech or Language Impairment 54 1,182 2,293 404 3,933
Deaf / Hard of Hearing 51 84 58 28 221
Emotional Disturbance 35 39 11 2 87
504 --- --- --- --- 2,390
DB or Any Combo of DB, VI + D/HH, & Documented Loss --- --- --- --- 873
Under Age 3 with No Disability Condition Listed --- --- --- --- 164

Texas Deafblind Child Count

Recent Year Totals

Texas Deafblind Child Count Recent Year Totals
Year Total
2024 873
2023 846
2022 778
2021 804
2020 820

Students Numbers by ESC Region

Students Numbers by ESC Region
Region 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
1 Edinburg, Rio Grande Valley, Laredo 38 37 37 38 37
2 Corpus Christi 19 17 16 12 13
3 Victoria 15 14 10 12 9
4 Houston 189 176 162 160 160
5 Beaumont 10 7 9 13 12
6 Huntsville, Bryan, Conroe 36 34 27 26 26
7 Kilgore, Tyler, Lufkin 46 42 39 36 37
8 Pittsburg, Texarkana, Paris, Sulphur Springs 7 9 9 9 8
9 Wichita Falls 9 8 8 8 12
10 Richardson, Dallas 139 138 124 135 151
11 Fort Worth 108 116 109 112 107
12 Waco 22 21 17 20 21
13 Austin (Minus TSBVI & TSD) 61 53 49 46 67
14 Abilene 9 9 10 12 10
15 San Angelo 10 8 8 7 6
16 Amarillo 10 9 9 12 13
17 Lubbock 6 7 6 7 9
18 Midland 10 12 9 13 12
19 El Paso 18 18 15 16 19
20 San Antonio 77 72 71 71 67
Texas School for the Deaf 18 16 16 18 NA
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired 16 23 18 21 24
Statewide Totals 873 846 778 804 820

Selected Age Groups

Selected Age Groups
Ages Groups 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Birth - 2 years old 27 30 21 20 40
3 -5 Years Old 114 99 103 106 109
6 - 12 Years Old 351 331 291 324 324
13 - 15 Years Old 166 183 167 161 149
16 Years and Older 215 203 196 193 198
TOTAL: 873 846 778 804 820

Ethnicity & Race

Race 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Hispanic or Latino 381 371 334 331 NA
Not Hispanic or Latino 492 475 444 473 NA
Race 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
American Indian or Alaskan Native 19 20 18 20 5
Asian 45 36 24 27 33
Black or African American 116 112 106 110 101
Hispanic or Latino (As per NCDB, this selection is no longer available.) NA 212 186 200 340
White (not Hispanic) 605 434 414 412 320
Pacific Islander 4 2 2 2 2
Two or More 36 23 21 24 19
Unknown / Missing 48 7 7 9 NA
TOTAL 873 846 778 804 820

Other Impairments

Other Impairments
Impairments 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Behavior 51 55 60 40 40
Cognitive 515 526 466 457 475
Complex Health Care 434 420 360 385 401
Physical 492 481 435 444 464
Speech 725 694 623 645 653

Degree of Hearing Loss

Degree of Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Mild (up to 40 dB) 129 123 105 103 95
Moderate (41-55 dB) 222 212 190 185 199
Moderately Severe (56-70 dB) 148 136 142 154 147
Severe (71-90 dB) 98 97 69 111 130
Profound (91+ dB) 188 201 193 196 200
Documented Functional Hearing Loss 49 36 42 27 28
Further Testing Needed 39 40 37 28 21
Progressive Hearing Loss 80 79 66 68 60

Additional Hearling Loss Information

Additional Hearling Information
Additional Hearing Information 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Auditory Neuropathy 46 45 40 42 38
Central Auditory Processing Disorder 31 26 17 18 24
Cochlear Implant 163 160 149 145 147
Hearing Aides / Listening Devices 539 513 477 478 489
Hearing in One Early Only 96 79 66 68 60

Degree of Vision Loss

Degree of Vision Loss
Degree of Vision Loss 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Low Vision (better than 20/200) 384 370 313 303 296
Legally Blind 236 242 275 305 322
Light Perception Only 38 34 23 27 33
Normal/Near Vision with Progressive Loss Expected 33 30 22 18 NA
Totally Blind 47 52 34 40 35
Documented Functional Vision Loss 109 95 95 99 107
Further Testing Needed 26 22 16 12 12
Progressive Vision Loss 108 96 98 100 98

Additional Vision Information

Additional Vision Information
Additional Vision Information 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) 250 253 236 240 247
Vision in One Eye Only 42 42 40 34 31
Uses Corrective Lenses 507 485 461 423 416

Interveners & RDSPD

Interveners & RDSPD
Miscellaneous 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Has Designated Intervener (Certified) 11 13 19 20 16
Has Designated Intervener (Non-certified) 83 82 71 34 79
Receives Services from RDSP 338 308 269 423 302

Common Etiologies

Common Etiologies
Etiologies 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
CHARGE Syndrome 87 89 85 85 93
Complications of Prematurity 76 74 65 83 94
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 15 16 15 16 19
Dandy Walker syndrome 8 7 4 8 8
Down Syndrome 40 38 33 34 33
Goldenhar Syndrome 13 12 9 8 13
Hydrocephaly 17 14 16 21 26
Meningitis 10 10 10 12 11
Microcephaly 5 9 10 17 18
No Determination of Etiology 91 103 100 69 72
Other Post-natal Complications 33 31 28 36 34
Other Pre-natal/Congenital 19 24 13 22 23
Tumors 10 9 10 14 13
Usher 1 Syndrome 15 14 16 22 22
Usher 2 Syndrome 8 14 10 7 5
Usher 3 Syndrome 4 3 3 3 2