
Electrifying News – Women’s History Month

Tomorrow is the Primary Election in Texas! If you’re unsure where to vote you can look up locations online. March is also Women’s History Month. Speaking of voting and women, did you know Helen Keller was an avid Suffragette? From a speech she prepared on March 3, 1913, Helen Keller said, “Every child has a right to be well-born, well-nurtured and well-taught, and only the freedom of woman can guarantee him this right.”

Tuesday night, staff and students will be competing in Goalball! You can check it out at 6:30pm in the Goalball Gym. This Wednesday, we’ll have the Farmer’s Market from 2:30 – 3:30pm in the Quad. CBS News will also be on campus Wednesday to document campus activities surrounding the Solar Eclipse coming our way on April 8th.

Spring Break is next week. Students will travel home on Thursday with residential students returning March 17th and classes resuming March 18th. Due to Spring Break, there will be no Electrifying News next week. Facilities work will be continuing throughout the break including installation of shatterproof window film throughout campus to align with recent legislative requirements.

The Centers for Disease Control has made changes to their recommendations for handling respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19. To align with the change, related to COVID-19, staff will not be required to isolate for 5 days. As with any other illness, staff must have improving symptoms and be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine. We will wait for DSHS to notify schools of how these changes impact students.

Please remember to check for badges and visitor stickers when walking across campus. If an individual needs to be accompanied to the front desk, please do so, or contact security for support. In other news, the IR department has initiated a new way to request assistance when you can’t access the help desk system. Please call x555 to report an issue when your computer isn’t working, the internet is down, or you simply can’t use typical channels for support.

For those of you traveling over Spring Break, Be safe! To everyone else, whether working or enjoying a staycation, be sure to work in some rest and relaxation. Also, don’t forget to set those clocks forward an hour on March 10th.

Have a great week!
Emily Coleman, Superintendent