Electrifying News – Women’s Equality Day
Recruitment and retention has been a huge focus over the summer. Thanks to each department for coordinating interviews and reviewing applications. I also want to recognize the HR department for processing new employees as quickly as they can and ensuring staffing is prioritized for the new year. Thanks, HR!
Speaking of HR, it’s also time to initiate employee evaluations for the 23-24 school year. All employees should be considering performance goals and reviewing with their supervisors within the next few weeks.
In recognition of the 19th Amendment in the US Constitution granting women the right to vote, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day on Saturday. As Maya Angelou said, “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” Please be sure to check out your voter registration status, update your address, or get registered if you’re not already.
Have a great week!
Emily Coleman, Superintendent