
Electrifying News – We’re Hiring!

Welcome back from Spring Break for everyone who took time off. I look forward to many fun events and activities across all departments as we march towards the end of another fabulous school year. Thank you for your continued hard work empowering students!

Although submitted applications have increased this year, we continue to have many open positions and upcoming open positions at TSBVI. Tomorrow morning, I’ll be attending a teacher job fair at Texas Tech University along with our Board President, Lee Sonnenberg. On Wednesday, we’ll be hosting a Career Fair on campus in the Outreach Building from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm. If you know of any interested candidates, please send them our way!

Before Spring Break, Region 13 conducted our Annual Intruder Audit. TSBVI had no findings and our campus remains vigilant when it comes to visitors who haven’t checked in. Thanks for your continued diligence to support staff and student safety.

Have a great week!
Emily Coleman, Superintendent