
Electrifying News – Waymo Student Perspective

Welcome again to another Mentor Center on campus! Thanks to all offering them opportunities to observe instruction at TSBVI and better understand what we offer students here and around the state. By welcoming new teachers of students with visual impairment we provide a community of support every educator needs.

TSBVI will be testifying at the Senate Finance Committee on Monday, February 10th. Representing the school will by myself and our CFO, Ann Du. The public hearing will begin at 10:00a and will include agencies within Article III – Public Education. The livestream will be available online and more information can be found here.

The Instructional Planning Council will meet today at 3:15p in the Boardroom of Building 600. This is a public meeting of stakeholders across campus and today’s discussion will include the Annual Report, FamilyLynx, the school calendar for next year, and Comprehensive Program/ STP needs assessments. Thanks to IPC members for participating!

EXIT student, Angel A., came on our latest episode of A Sense of Texas to check out Waymo and take his first ride. Take a listen if you’d like to learn more about these cars and what Angel and our podcast production staff thought of this latest technology. We invited a Waymo staff member to answer questions, too.

Have a Great Week!
Emily Coleman, Superintendent