
Electrifying News – Texas SenseAbilities Fall Issue

Campus Activities Campus updates Diversity

As a reminder, classified and contract employees received an employee engagement survey via email (Subject was “Survey of Employee Engagement”). Please take the time to submit ASAP and no later than October 20th. We need your Wildcat Wisdom!

In continued celebration, please check out a featured article on White Cane Day in the Fall Issue of TX SenseAbilities. In addition to outside contributors, check out other articles from TSBVI staff Daniel Butler, Emily Leeper, Kate Moss Hurst, Sara Merritt, Hillary Keys, Edgenie Bellah, and myself.

Although not a federal or Texas state holiday, today we recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian provides more information about the transition from Columbus Day and educational information to share.

Have a great week!
Emily Coleman, Superintendent