
Electrifying News – Summer Board Meeting

Today, we are excited to have a lot more staff back on campus following a brief summer hiatus. Many buildings will be bustling with training and activity. Best of luck as you prepare for the new school year for Comprehensive Program students!

Please join me on Monday, August 7th, at 8 am in the cafeteria for the “Welcome Back” and awarding of service pins. Show up a little early to grab a beverage and a snack before we begin. I look forward to seeing each of you there.

This year, we’re having a special staff appreciation event on Friday, August 11th. From 11am – 1pm we’ll have food trucks on campus. Lunch will be available from Pepe’s Taco and The Hot Dog King with dessert from Kona Ice. We’re hoping this is a well attended event and perhaps a new tradition.

This Friday, August 4th, we have our Summer Board Meeting at 10:15 am in the Boardroom in Building 600. Our biggest priority for the summer meeting is to approve our annual budget while also attending to other important business. Our summer Safety and Security Committee Meeting will be held in the same location at 3:00 pm on August 3rd. Agendas for both meetings can be found online