Electrifying News – Remembering MLK, Jr. and Jimmy Carter
Last week, we recognized President Jimmy Carter as he was laid to rest and flags will remain at half-staff throughout the month to honor his legacy. On Monday the 20th, we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. and his commitment to ending discrimination and promoting civil rights. Although they never met, both men were from Georgia and both were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. President Carter maintained a relationship with the King family and gained their support during his Presidency and beyond. To learn more about their connections and shared legacy check out this AP article online.
Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in working together to make a positive difference. Within his autobiography, he stated, “We can all get more together than we can apart. And this is the way we gain power. Power is the ability to achieve purpose, power is the ability to effect change, and we need power.” I appreciate the collaboration and shared purpose in our work at TSBVI and the positive change we effect every day.
Next week, there will be no Electrifying News due to the holiday on Monday. On January 23 – 26, TSBVI student athletes and performers will travel to the Oklahoma School for the Blind to compete in the South Central Association of Schools for the Blind (SCASB) wrestling, cheerleading, and performing arts competition. Best of luck to our Wildcats!
In current events, this month will usher in many political changes in Texas and the United States. On January 21st, the Presidential Inauguration will take place with President Donald Trump being sworn in at 11:00am. Tomorrow, the 89th Texas Legislative Session will begin and we will be watching for updated committee assignments specific to education and budget. TSBVI will likely have budget hearings beginning in late February.
Have a great week!
Emily Coleman, Superintendent