Electrifying News – Lettuce Grow!
The Short-Term Programs department was selected to receive a Lettuce Grow Farmstand and seedlings through Lettuce Give’s Teacher Raffle initiative. This free-standing, white, 24-plant holding apparatus can be found to the west side of the front of building 600. It is already sprouting little green plants. Congrats, STP!
Yesterday, we had our first Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee meeting of the school year. We will be increasing training and awareness on campus to ensure a culture of belonging. As we learn of resources and events, we’ll be sure to pass them along.
This coming weekend is Labor Day. Students will not have school Monday, but will travel to campus that day instead. Due to the holiday, there will be no Electrifying News next week. Thanks to those working Monday and I hope we all find time to relax a little this weekend.
As I’m sitting in my office listening to a wayward cricket, I’m reminded that we all have a little background noise (or a lot) in our lives. Apologies for this delayed edition of the Electrifying News, as I was distracted by the departure of my oldest to college. I’m sure you know that the blasting sounds of a cricket are no match for how often I’m thinking about my daughter taking the world by storm. I hope the E-News is the only thing I forgot to do yesterday!
Have a great week!
Emily Coleman, Superintendent