Electrifying News – Holiday Events and More
The TSBVI Music Department would like to invite you to our annual Holiday Big Show Wednesday, December 18 at 9:40a in the Goodenough Auditorium in the Fine Arts Building. The Big Show will feature videos from our music classes and performances from our general music, mariachi, and classical guitar classes.
Today is the Jingle Bell Run! Make your way out to the track anytime before 4p to walk some laps and gather some bells. Thanks to those who coordinated and everyone volunteering to support this festive event.
Please stop by and celebrate Jim Allan’s retirement at the Rec Center this Wednesday, December 18th, from 3-4p. The work Jim has done over his lengthy career has dramatically improved the possibilities for students who are blind, deafblind, or have low vision. His laser focus on accessibility has opened infinite doors and created pathways for dream fulfillment that wouldn’t have been possible without him. Thank you for all you’ve done, Jim!
Celebrate with staff on Friday the 20th from 4-8p at Black-Star Co-op for our annual winter celebration. We appreciate you and hope you have a wonderful break. For those recognizing Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa over the holidays, I hope you can celebrate with the people you love.
On Monday, December 23rd, water and wi-fi will be shut off on campus for 8 – 10 hours. If you’re scheduled to work, please be sure to discuss remote work options with your supervisor for those who are able to do so. The front desk at the entrance of Building 600 will be closed the week of December 23rd and the week of December 30th. The next Electrifying News will be January 6th when we kick off our second semester and 2025!
Wishing you a great week and a relaxing break,
Emily Coleman, Superintendent